[C4D] General Discussion / Re: CORONA SCATTER
« on: 2019-09-02, 05:36:18 »Gr100 - Are you serious ? If you want to work in the 3d industry you'll have to invest a lot of money in software and computers...It doesn't matter what package you use. Do you think that max\maya users pays less than us on computers and softwares ? If you want to spend as little as possible - go with blender
Money is not a problem my friend, we need softwares that work... Corona scatter ain’t the only problem with Corona.
It just sounds to me like someone needs to learn to optimise their workflow...
Multi-Instances do work (for me at least). They don't work in IR but I have been using them perfectly well in the VFB. There's a weird querk when using render Instances with motion blur, sending cloned AWOL but otherwise it's been fine. We are a studio of 7 artists, producing 7-10 projects per week, with hundreds of thousands of clones, massive amounts of vegetation in some scenes and we manage just fine. I can't applaud the Corona team enough. We had been using Vray for the past 11 years and switched to Corona during the early Beta release. Corona has revolutionised the way and speed at which we work.
I regularly peruse the forum and there are a lot of people bitching about seemingly small issues... this is one of them. Corona Scatter would be a lovely addition to the tool set. But we already have MoGraph Cloner and you could use Laubwerk SurfaceSpread... Both work brilliantly and efficiently.
If you're having trouble with viewport lag then that comes down to your workflow and scene optimisation. There are two simple solutions to this problem that spring to mind:
1 - you could establish your cloners (trees, grass etc) and once happy with the result, save in a separate temp file, then re-import for render. This keeps your scene light and test rendering fast.
2 - Add all your cloner groups to a layer and then simply turn off visibility and disable generators in the layer manager. This will significantly improve your viewport frame rate.
I have a wish list as long as my arm for many software applications, but things take time. However, we are currently in a place within the industry that is exciting and things are changing fast. Applications are becoming more synchronised and complimentary, just look at the developments in UE4, Substance, Quixel, as well as with Corona... A lot has happened in the last 2 years and i am really excited about the developments ahead.
Yeah if I understand you correctly I have to respectfully disagree. My logic is the following...
Yes we can optimize everything and recreate pretty much _anything_ with Corona 4 for C4D. We could have done that with the beta. We could have done that with the alpha... Heck, we could have done everything with the Standard renderer. Mental ray? Brazil? DOS? Wouldn't be fun or fast but doable. Just needs a couple of years to create and render :)
So I wouldn't argue that at all but what I would argue is that supporting modern functionality is crucial and its how we advance things get to a point where we can spend more time on Y instead of X because the workflow to get X looking great is a lot faster now.
Think of it like working without the interactive renderer, period. Before we had it everyone was totally cool with the way things were. Now we have IR and nobody wants to work without it. In that sense, I am super happy the C4D devs decided to port over that functionality seeing as 3ds Max already had it :) As a matter of fact, seeing IR in an early alpha for 3ds Max, I was all over buying that software package.
So yeah, should multi-instances be supported? If you ask me then YES by all means. The devs already know this (they are some real nice peeps) as I've been fairly vocal about putting them on the priority list as soon as R20 got into the late beta. Multi-instances were are game changer for many in the arch-viz field yet we are still not supporting them fully.
I would even take it as far as to say that Corona is an arch-viz renderer primarily and right now its still cumbersome to get any sort of scatters going in medium to complex scenes. Scatter something on that cactus? IR won't show it. Scatter something outside the window to create interesting lighting? IR won't show it... Or you know, you can use the "normal" cloner and you'll be working with 0.01 fps.
For C4D multi-instances are big because the object handling is still clunky and a weak point and so we don't have many options. Maxon realized that and came up with multi-instances so that at least we can do something. Yet, Corona is like the only renderer without supporting them fully.
No, i guess we just "bitching"
Salute Corona, we love your work but if we don't point out our concerns then how else would you know?
This dude being offensive/ offended because him and his studio happen to be having far less of a frustrating situation or " Lacking Empathy" if you will...
But just so you know, multi-instances wasn't a problem back in the alpha phase. But...