Author Topic: multi shader - inherit color from null parent  (Read 1688 times)

2021-03-23, 14:55:26


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I'm trying to find a way for multiple child objects to inherit the same random color from their parent.
Example: Three null objects with a multi-shader material applied. Each null gets a random color from the shader. I want all the children of each null to inherit the random color, but they should all have the same color. So the randomness should only happen between the parent nulls.

I tried it with the "object buffer ID" mode and "inherit id from parent" but I don't want to use this because I don't want to nest many objects and manually check and uncheck IDS.

Any ideas?

2021-03-23, 15:23:16
Reply #1


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OK- I figured something out myself -it helps to set the mult shader mode to material name and creating multiple materials for each null that link to the same multi shader.

Still looking for a single material solution if anyone has one.

Also, I keep coming to the problem of feature documentation with Corona. There's a lot of trial and error that goes into looking into just these modes. I wish each setting was documented like it is with C4d itself.