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Messages - Bormax

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Check if you have Region render active. Remove all regions, then see if it helps. Sometimes it happened for me after IR in VFB, region somehow went out of visible area if I used 2d Pan Zoom in rendered viewport during IR

Hello Bormax!

Answer to question 1:

The same phenomenon which is defined by Translucency Fraction parameter in CoronaPhysicalMtl is defined by Translucency color in VRay2SidedMtl (not by VRayMtls' parameters connected to the VRay2SidedMtl).

The Map #11 is not used in Translucency color slot of CoronaPhysicalMtl, because VRay2SidedMtl automatically uses base color of the opposite side as a translucency color (that's why we pick Map #10 and Map #16).

CoronaPhysicalMtl ignores both Volumetric Absorption and Volumetric Scattering parameters when its Thin-shell parameter is enabled, but Corona Converter always propagates all maps from the original material, even when they do not contribute to look of the converted material. If VRayMtl uses some other Translucency modes - e.g. SSS, we plug the corresponding maps to these slots so we decided to do the same in this case to be consistent.

Answer to question 2:

Because the original VRayMtl uses reflection amount parameter / reflection amount map, however this parameter is not physically plausible (that's why it's not present in CoronaPhysicalMtl). Since the only CoronaPhysicalMtl's parameter which may affect its reflectivity is IoR (if the material is not metal), we try to create a new IoR value by decreasing the original material's IoR using the reflection amount parameter / reflection amount map in order to preserve look of the original material. However note that this is a "hack" created to preserve look of the original materials. Alternative (more strict) method would be to ignore / drop such parameters / maps, but this could lead to many look-breaking changes during the conversion.

Answer to question 3:

To be honest I have never tried this before, but it looks like a good idea :) May I ask you whether the results look identical? And which approach leads to better render times?

Hello Selene!

Thank you for so detailed answers! Now it's clear for me how converter works in this case. Great!

As for the way I used to convert Vray 2sided material, I've done some quick tests. Basically I've used converted by Converter original Vray scene, pictures of single tree and small forest made with Forest Pack. Adaptivity ON, noise limit 4%. Here are results:

Converter7-single_tree_converter.jpg - Passes 25, rendering time 1.38
Converter7-single_tree_manual.jpg - Passes 25, rendering time 2.24
Converter7-FP_converter.jpg - Passes 115, rendering time 14.25
Converter7-FP_manual.jpg - Passes 110, rendering time 23.15

Material structure is a bit more clear and easy to control in manually converted version, but rendering time grows really much. But if you want to test it yourself, I've uploaded scene with private uploader, there you can find all 3 types of materials assigned to different trees and forests.


Gallery / Re: Park Lake
« on: 2021-07-26, 11:16:42 »
Very nice set of images.
Great lighting and materials!


Can you send me please the file with what you modified please?
**Edit: Hmm as I understand it worked in 3ds max 2021 and not in 2022?**

I didn't change anything in your scene, just assigned materials and pressed render.
And yes, it was Max 2021.3, Corona7 RC7

You are welcome!

No problem.

This is what I've got. Is it correct result?

Max 2021.3 Corona7 RC7

Edit: just noticed that your renders from Arnold are the same :)


I am using 3ds max 2022.1 and Corona 7 (RC 7)

Ok, but I have Max 2021.3 and can't open your scene. Please, save it as Max 2021 and I'll test it

Max 2021.3
OSL Shapes works fine with any renderer/material
OSL Triangles doesn't work with any renderer/material. Actually UVW-mapping doesn't work at all on rendered pictures, in viewport everything looks fine.


I have had the same kind of problem. In my case it was connected with the Custom Sample Object which I created using Vray. So Max was crashing every time Corona tried to make material preview of those materials whose Sample object was changed to the custom one.

Hello Bormax, we tried to make some changes in the Corona Converter code to create simpler shading networks when converting VRay2SidedMtl. These changes are included in Corona Converter which is shipping with Corona Renderer 7 RC6. Please let us know whether the shading networks created during conversion now look as expected or whether there is still some room for improvement.

Thank you!
RC7- now the shader tree looks much simpler and reasonable. No more unnecessary Mix maps - that's good :)! (Converter7_vray-corona_mat-structure_RC7.jpg) and rendered result is visually the same as it was with RC5 and close to original look of the shaders (Converter7_vray_original-converted_mat-RC5-7.jpg)
This time material structure is much cleaner for further work with it which is great, now I understand how almost all maps were converted in order to use all aspects of Vray 2sided material within single Corona Physical material using FrontBack maps (Converter7_vray-corona_mat-structure_RC7-1.jpg), but:
1. could you explain, please, the meaning of use maps in Vol. adsorption and Vol. scattering of leaf material and why the map which was used in Vray material to map translucency (Map #11) is used here, not in translucency slot of Corona Physical material (Converter7_vray-corona_mat-structure_RC7-3.jpg)?
2. Why IOR parameter of the trunk material is mapped with some Mix map? Is it the way to imitate mapped reflection parameter of Vray material (Converter7_vray-corona_mat-structure_RC7-4.jpg)? And would be interesting to know about the usage of CoronaColor map with applied Solid HDR color higher than 1 in IOR mapping, like IoR map from this example has.

Also would be interesting to hear what do you think about the way of conversion of Vray 2 sided material which I used in my experience. I used two Corona materials plugged in to Corona Layer material with Corona FrontBack map used as mask. Here is a very quick example of this kind of conversion (Converter7_converted_mat_RC7-layerd_2sided_mat_strc.jpg). Material structure is pretty simple, render results you can see also here (Converter7_vray_original-converted_mat-RC7-layered_mat.jpg and Converter7_converted_mat_RC7-layerd_2sided_mat.jpg)


Thanks, Proh, Lupaz & Frood for clearing this up. I understand now much better what you actually want. So, I have logged this as a feature request to the team and looking forward to being implemented soon.


(Report ID=CRMAX-738)

Thank you Avi.
And thank you Proh, Lupaz & Frood for support and clarification :)



Again the same tree test. Thanks, this time render result is closer to original, but the shader structure is still messy. Sorry, but I can't see the logic in this Mix map chaos, even simple opacity map from original material became two mix maps (original bitmap + CoronaColor?) plugged in to Front/Back map. Actually all simple bitmaps are converted to Mix maps - original bitmap + CoronaColor with no affect of CoronaColor map in those mixes... This structure is very difficult to handle which makes it not usable for further adjustments. It's easier to remake the shader manually from original material, than to handle this mess.

The test scene was uploaded some time ago -


Confirm, RC5+FP6 is crashing Max. RC4+FP6 worked fine for me. RC+FP7 works well

MAX 2021.3

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Problem with Reflection override
« on: 2021-06-25, 21:46:11 »
Oh yes, this problem is here for a long time already...
For my exterior scenes I found solution to use JPG format pictures to override reflections.
(The post from 2017, there you can find some examples and comparison)
It could work for some scenes, hope it could be solution for your scenes too.

[Max] I need help! / Re: proxy parsing times
« on: 2021-06-25, 21:27:39 »

The scene is setup with animated sun so that in each frame i have different sun positions for different cameras.
Everything works ok until vegetation proxys are added in scene. Parsing times are around 2 seconds on frame 0 but as soon as I change to any other frame parsing time jumps to 30 seconds or more depending on total number of different proxies.

Hello Marijan
I used to have the same workflow using animated sun and I've faced the same problem connected with proxies as you did. I've reported about this issue in 2017
but unfortunately this problem is not solved still...

Lucky me - I don't work on animation, so I just change my workflow a bit and don't use animated sun anymore (sad...), but I suppose the ones who have to work on animation are suffering really much of this problem. Actually it's not clear for me why this problem somehow forgotten during pretty long time

Anyway, in my old post there is a script published by iancamarillo which disables animation from all selected proxies. Maybe it could help you

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