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Messages - burnin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 106
For the camera to work I would uncheck all the tone map stuff in the VFB, add a photographic exposure then it should work. I would avoid any other method besides a camera change since in reality that what you would do; most likely you'd close your aperture, hence the clickless aperture ring on a lens.

disclaimer, I'm coming from vray from like last week so I might be wrong.
Right, totally forgot to add "photographic exposure" extra processing :)


General CG Discussion / Re: Have you seen Unreal Engine 5.5?
« on: 2024-10-03, 20:37:52 »
Technical limit is meant in regard to computation (lower floating point precision) making sim. (algorithms) either more prone to errors or simpler, introducing more bias, less quality - physical incorrectness. Simple fact. Even regulatory standard for industrial simulations demands double precision.
It's good for games, imagery and illustrations, but lacks for predictive rendering, visual prototyping, engineering, ...

General CG Discussion / Re: Have you seen Unreal Engine 5.5?
« on: 2024-10-03, 15:27:57 »
Well, certain tasks aren't well-suited for GPUs due to their technical limitations, such as a lack of precision. Also, there's inverse relationship between quantity and quality, though not in strictly proportional way. Similar phenomena we're experiencing with Corona engine development, where improvements in speed and maneuverability (more features) have come at cost of reduced rendering quality and less efficient workflow.

General CG Discussion / Re: Have you seen Unreal Engine 5.5?
« on: 2024-10-03, 00:08:02 »
well, jump over and check it for yourself
 IMHO, the thing is simply over-hyped, as almost every tech demo is
maybe visit Threat Interactive YT channel for a bit deeper graphics reality-check
also, what you may gain in rendering time you loose during setting (which in case w/ offline rendering, is your profit ~ be aware that you're creating a different product). 

yes, save HDRIs and play w/ exposure in post 

oh, and disable ACES OT (since that clamps the image, making it LDR)
basically, just keep it linear.

Yup, that doesn't work.
Bypass w "ISO" Camera setting.

Disregard. Appears broken on my side ~ ISO, speed, f-stop ain't working. (?)

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 12 Major Memory Leak
« on: 2024-09-30, 18:37:41 »
just a note
also happened to me on C4D using daily v13 w/o any displacement
seems fine w latest v12 HF2
(did mentioned it on discord)

Learner’s Corner / Re: Search for realism
« on: 2024-09-28, 15:49:17 »
(: True.

Note, you got Way ahead of you:

"For purpose of successful image, every pixel is intentional."
So start by learning how to make good - better - great photography, and after some time you'll start to see more and more what it takes to synthesize photo-real image. During process, it suddenly occurs - this is, what is, that which makes image great. For every artist and spectator, every work is unique.

Or simply take a course which will guide you through this.

Either way, learn what's missing by filling in, repairing 'mistakes' yourself.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Sun Direction [Bug]
« on: 2024-09-22, 07:38:48 »
Can confirm.

Why won't you simply lower HDRI/IBL exposure?

Just a note, this is C4D section.

Still, any tip can become useful, especially when it comes to Colour science and regarding updates in 2025 release.

Confirming, on windows and w/ "Interactive Viewport" also.

Depends on how you set your preferences.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Disney Specular and IOR
« on: 2024-08-26, 19:39:26 »
May help clarify few things: "PBR Texture Conversion" (@

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