Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Feature Requests => Topic started by: jop on 2018-12-15, 22:49:55

Title: Apply atmospherics option
Post by: jop on 2018-12-15, 22:49:55
would it be possible to make corona aware of this object option ?
Title: Re: Apply atmospherics option
Post by: jop on 2018-12-15, 22:54:02
oups... wrong section I guess, should be in feature request,
Title: Re: Apply atmospherics option
Post by: maru on 2018-12-17, 17:56:13
What is this option, where is it, and how is it typically used? :)
Title: Re: Apply atmospherics option
Post by: jop on 2018-12-19, 17:53:50
It's in right-clic, object properties.

Here is an usage :
imagine I have a scene with a volume fog applied to a big box surrounding the scene.
It's not a global volume cause I have to exclude some lights that I want to not generate volumetrics.
I have to render foreground objects separetly for compositings reasons.
So, I render everything but fg objects as matte, and I use selective render to render only fg objects.
BUT, I have to include the fog box in render in order to see volumetrics.
The problem is that fog will be computed over every objects of the scene, even those excluded by the selective rendering, resulting in unnecessary long render time.
Except if I could exclude objects from receiving volumetrics...
Title: Re: Apply atmospherics option
Post by: maru on 2019-02-20, 14:16:25
I am very sorry, but I could not understand your explanation. Maybe you can show some image example of what is happening now, and what you would like to happen?

If it's about objects rendering "on top" when there is fog in the scene, instead of being "inside" the fog, then I don't think this is possible, taking into account the physical nature of Corona.