Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds

Corona 13 daily builds IR/viewport slowdown

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Hmm.. am I the only one that noticed that with latest Corona build the interactive is really slugish? When I have material editor opened it's even worse. I don't know what's wrong with that but IMO every new version of corona the interactive is becoming slower.

The scene isn't complicated. It's just single object with bunch of lights.


--- Quote from: Majeranek on 2024-10-23, 17:55:55 ---Hmm.. am I the only one that noticed that with latest Corona build the interactive is really slugish? When I have material editor opened it's even worse. I don't know what's wrong with that but IMO every new version of corona the interactive is becoming slower.

The scene isn't complicated. It's just single object with bunch of lights.

--- End quote ---

Could you share an example recording showing the issue and a comparison with Corona 12 HF1?
I am asking because we are investigating some performance issues, but before I share anything I would first like to see what exact kind of "sluggishness" you are getting.

Oh, I reverted everything back to 12 HF1. Everything is fine now. It was like few ms lag on everything, orbiting, moving mouse, changing values.

Aram Avetisyan:
Please, send the scene (or better the scene with the recording), so we can have a look at it.

If it is not found and resolved, it will most probably stay there and become an inconvenience later on.


--- Quote from: Majeranek on 2024-10-24, 11:01:41 ---Oh, I reverted everything back to 12 HF1. Everything is fine now. It was like few ms lag on everything, orbiting, moving mouse, changing values.

--- End quote ---

If you are getting this kind of viewport lag/stutter for example when panning or rotating, it is most likely a 3ds Max 2025 issue. It happens with any renderer, even when Corona and V-Ray are uninstalled. I was also unable to reproduce it in 3ds Max 2024. This is already reported to Autodesk.

If you are getting something else, please do let us know. As Aram said, a scene and a video demonstrating the issue would be perfect.


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