Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

Changing the direction of a Phoenix Ocean displacement map



I'm using a PhoenixFDOceanTex as a displacement map in a CoronaPhysicalMtl: it's working fine on a horizontal plane, but I want to apply the displacement effect on a vertical object and it doesn't work.

I tried all the options available in the Phoenix texture Coordinates menu but it seems to have no effect.

Can you help?

I'm not familiar with how Phoenix works, but did you try to adjust pivot point orientation of your vertical plane? Maybe that will solve the issue?

Thanks. Yes I tried, it doesn't work.
Finally I used a noise map that turned out to work nicely.
To my understanding noise maps are 3D procedural maps so they work in all directions, which is great, while the PhoenixFDOceanTex map seems to work only in the World Z Axis for some reason, which makes sense since water only deforms on a horizontal plane after all.

It seems to be working if you switch mapping to "explicit map channel".

I've already replaced the texture by a noise map maru, but thanks for the follow up.


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