Author Topic: Out of RAM with Scattered decals  (Read 3783 times)

2022-04-21, 13:03:07


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I'm going out of RAM scattering a decals over two surfaces: the first one is asphalt (Chaos Cosmos Material) and the second one is a grass plane (with scattered grass).
The decals material is a texture of fallen leaves that has Albedo, Bump, roughness and Displacement texture.
I've set 1000 instances, but I run out of RAM quickly during displacement computation! Same if I scatter the decals over asphalt and not over the grass plane. The only way to render is to avoid to place the decals over the (scatterd) grass.

Corona v8 + Max 2017

2022-04-21, 14:12:18
Reply #1


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I'm going out of RAM scattering a decals over two surfaces: the first one is asphalt (Chaos Cosmos Material) and the second one is a grass plane (with scattered grass).
The decals material is a texture of fallen leaves that has Albedo, Bump, roughness and Displacement texture.
I've set 1000 instances, but I run out of RAM quickly during displacement computation! Same if I scatter the decals over asphalt and not over the grass plane. The only way to render is to avoid to place the decals over the (scatterd) grass.

Corona v8 + Max 2017

Can you please clarify how much is your system RAM? Also can you please post the error here, to see exact numbers?

Thank you.
George Karampelas |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2022-04-21, 14:18:08
Reply #2


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I've got 64 gb of RAM.
I've first a warning message that I'm running out of RAM and later the render stops with an error something like "Corona can't allocate 1.2 Mb of RAM etc.."

PS Corona 8 still crash under max 2014 so I'm running under 2017, I managed to install Corona 7 for Max 2014 and Corona 8 for Max 2017 and 2020
« Last Edit: 2022-04-21, 20:56:46 by Starline »