Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

Corona render selected objects is terrible

<< < (3/3)

Ink Visual:
Hi, just bumping the thread up.
Was this fixed in latest Corona releases by any chance?
We're still on Corona 9 but are hoping to upgrade to 11 soon.

Hi, yes, there were improvements to this in V10 and V11:

From V10 changelog:
Improved performance when rendering with masks
In cases where the user includes just a small object and the rest of the scene is not rendered we get up to 600% speedup. In non extreme cases it leads to around a 10% speedup

From V11 changelog:
Bucket rendering - improved decision when to revert to random pixel rendering based on render regions and rendering mask.

My suggestion is to update to Corona 11 Hotfix 2 -
Then test your case, and if you are still observing a slowdown, submit a new ticket at


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