Author Topic: Graduation Work  (Read 5571 times)

2013-11-16, 11:34:57


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Hey there!

I'm making a architectural short for my graduation work. And before I was a avid user of vray. But since I stumbled onto corona I fell in love with it.

Right now i'm still tweaking settings. Reading my way trough the forum.

Some things i need to solve :
  • overall time per frame / overall quality ( its gonna be short ; 30 to 40 secs teaser watchamacallit )
  • Render passes. I know how to enable them, but from what i'm guessing is it's like vray ? I have to tell the render the max number of passes and then they will be rendered ?
  • Glass material for the windows, some soft hdri reflections would be nice
  • how to save all the frames and there passes in different folders, like all the renders do

If you have any tips or advice. Feel free to chime in :D i'm always searching for some solid advice.

Thank you !

« Last Edit: 2013-11-17, 22:37:12 by TomLoux »

2013-11-16, 12:27:28
Reply #1


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looking nice already would love to see finished shots :)

just a thought
the second screen ( interior ) looks dull or maybe it's just me
using corona before it was cool :3

2013-11-16, 13:02:13
Reply #2


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Hey santa,

yeah i know , i'm still adding props as i go along. There should be more books , posters with frames , rugs and what not in there.
Behind the walls on the left there are also some rooms ( kitchen , bed , ... )

If I have the time after all my other course finals are done. ( I still need to render out a VFX explosion scene ) i'm planning to render those two.

« Last Edit: 2013-11-16, 13:30:30 by TomLoux »

2013-11-16, 13:18:37
Reply #3


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well your hdri is looking fine which one is it  ?

using corona before it was cool :3

2013-11-16, 13:32:07
Reply #4


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It's peter guthrie's 2003 Dusk Blue HDRI

2013-11-16, 16:14:41
Reply #5


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aaah i have that too :D
beautiful things
if you want something more than those then you can check out cg-source hdri they are insane @__@
using corona before it was cool :3

2013-11-16, 17:16:43
Reply #6


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thank you for the tip ! :D i'm planning on shooting my own hdri's soon.
I just bought a panoramical head for my tripod and canon 7d

2013-11-17, 06:06:04
Reply #7


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wow nice .
though i work at a game studio most of my money is spent on other stuff :P
using corona before it was cool :3

2013-11-17, 06:06:50
Reply #8


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btw the material for the roof
can you show it ? it looks sweet :)
can take some tips
using corona before it was cool :3

2013-11-17, 22:36:16
Reply #9


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The roof? I guess you mean the facade of the building. Well it's just a plain unwrap of the building.
 I wanted to paint in the lines of  the concrete ,so I decided to unwrap it.