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Messages - andreu.taberner

Pages: 1 [2]
[Max] General Discussion / Re: Which render farm do you use?
« on: 2015-10-09, 21:21:43 »
I've used REBUS for stills too.
Great service and integration so far.

Gallery / Re: free time kitchen
« on: 2015-10-08, 09:44:51 »
Nice images.

You subdivided the mesh for the bricks in order to make the displacement work, right? Any conclusions/suggestions about your experience with displacement?
Which tools and file format did you use for the displacement texture?

I've notice that you subdivided the upper panel on the left in the first image, why is that?

Thank you Romullus,

I am impress with Corona. I am quite sure I will turn into a happy customer in november when the demo license runs out. Hopefully they fix the displacement to make it as versatile as the rest of the program.

I do attach an image to show the issue:

Basically, the displacement shows the level of detail of the mesh when it shouldn't.

In case 1 i used a 16bits png made by me.
In case 2 it's a simple jpg texture of a fabric.
(Both meshes have a normal UVW map on top).

A,B,C show different levels of displacement reflecting the mesh geometry.
The 'C' area (triangular) looks to respond to camera distance since it changes position when i move the camera slightly.

Does anyone knows how to get an homogeneous displacement result?
What makes it work in case 1 but not in case 2?


Corona 1.2.1 (Demo license).
Max 2016

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