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Messages - Fibonacci

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19
Off-Topic / Digital Modeling of Material Appearance
« on: 2014-02-18, 14:14:10 »
Hello folks,

I have found an really interesting document for the materials learning. If you like to learn really "base" and features but important about the materials.


Gallery / Rerendered in Corona
« on: 2014-02-18, 07:01:07 »
Good morning,

I got the overnight new render, and I thought I have to share. :O

If you have observing or any coments, please share. Especially about the texturing, or any idea to how make the prostproduction ?


Gallery / Re: Firs postproduction ready
« on: 2014-02-18, 06:40:38 »
Sure...I have send the raw render, and here is my second playing with post.
I'd like to make a real photographic pictures, but for me now looks like a bit too much the "photographic".

If you have any idea, please don't hasitate to share.

Thank you very much !  :)

Gallery / Firs postproduction ready
« on: 2014-02-17, 21:12:21 »

I have made my first postproduction of Corona render. My aim is to achieve not just the great renders, but effective postpros...I knows I must learn more and more, but...
If you have any observations, please writ me, I'll be thankfull for that !

Thank you !

Gallery / Re: foliage
« on: 2014-02-17, 17:26:30 »
Ok. Sorry for that...

Gallery / Re: DOF test
« on: 2014-02-17, 17:12:27 »
Thank you very much!

Gallery / Re: Contemporary house
« on: 2014-02-17, 16:24:49 »
Thanks rozumny ! :)

Gallery / Re: Frosty Morning
« on: 2014-02-17, 12:42:22 »
I like it!

Gallery / Re: Minotti
« on: 2014-02-17, 12:34:25 »
For me the background really bright!  Overexposed.

Gallery / Re: foliage
« on: 2014-02-17, 12:32:02 »

Really nice clean render ! Could you share the materials and render settings for the forum?
We'll be an apprecative audience too :)

The color for the leaves really true to life !

Well, I think if you share the settings for the material...we will learn a lott.


Gallery / Re: Living room
« on: 2014-02-17, 12:22:15 »

Really nice clean render ! Could you share the materials and render settings for the forum?
We'll be an apprecative audience too :)

Just only one observing:
If I see good that wood flor has an scrathes? Look's like yes, and if I'm good, you should to use same bump in high reflection... Right?

Well, I think if you share them settings for the material...we will learn a lott.


Gallery / Re: DOF test
« on: 2014-02-17, 12:17:27 »

Really nice clean render ! Could you share the materials and render settings for the forum?
We'll be an apprecative audience too :)

Just only one observing:
For me the wood texture is so clean ! Not look like nature the sun and the reflections and dirty is missing of course...but, keep rockin' ! :)

Well, I think if you share them settings for the material...we will learn a lott.


Gallery / Re: Contemporary house
« on: 2014-02-17, 12:16:42 »

Really nice clean render ! Could you share the materials and render settings for the forum?
We'll be an apprecative audience too :)

Just only one observing:
For me the wood texture is so clean ! Not look like nature the sun and the reflections and dirty is missing of course...but, keep rockin' ! :)

Well, I think if you share them settings for the material...we will learn a lott.


Gallery / Re: Cottage in Noyabrsk, Russia
« on: 2014-02-15, 21:18:22 »
Really nice renders and post job in Ps. The mood and the colors and lights really entity.
But for me a bit too clear, and shiny some mats... But good! :)

I would be grateful if share some material settings for the members of the forum !

Thx and keep rockin' !

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Golden reflection problem
« on: 2014-02-15, 13:17:43 »

Thanks every advices about the material setup. I'll try it.

I converted those materials which I made in VRay , but in the Corona looks like really different and I must to fixing all setups.
But if the bright diffuse color working in VRay, than why not working correctly in the Corona ? I like to play the material setups, but I'm not sure about the correct values for the reflection, diffuse etc.... for examples:
The bump chanel was 1,0 in VRay, and in the Corona for the same resault I'd changed to 0,1 value. It should be the common for all values ?

_In another hand I got render of Corona, where after the material conversation the glass gone to be tinted glass without Abbey and where I'd used the "Abbey" setup is on, there the glass turned so green tinted...I knows in the Corona hasn't the Abbey setup...yet...

Sorry for every misunderstand, but the Corona is my second render what I tried, and I really like to learning and useing like a pro...It's a greatest render, what I every seen.

And thanx the info about uploads. May I finding somewhere in the forum the FAQs ?

Thank you !

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