« on: 2014-02-15, 13:17:43 »
Thanks every advices about the material setup. I'll try it.
I converted those materials which I made in VRay , but in the Corona looks like really different and I must to fixing all setups.
But if the bright diffuse color working in VRay, than why not working correctly in the Corona ? I like to play the material setups, but I'm not sure about the correct values for the reflection, diffuse etc.... for examples:
The bump chanel was 1,0 in VRay, and in the Corona for the same resault I'd changed to 0,1 value. It should be the common for all values ?
_In another hand I got render of Corona, where after the material conversation the glass gone to be tinted glass without Abbey and where I'd used the "Abbey" setup is on, there the glass turned so green tinted...I knows in the Corona hasn't the Abbey setup...yet...
Sorry for every misunderstand, but the Corona is my second render what I tried, and I really like to learning and useing like a pro...It's a greatest render, what I every seen.
And thanx the info about uploads. May I finding somewhere in the forum the FAQs ?
Thank you !