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Messages - Fibonacci

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[Max] I need help! / Re: Mixed bump problem...
« on: 2014-02-19, 20:39:57 »
Well, Maru...Thanks your comment !

Now I'm trying the the alpha issue, and yes I tried to get the daily builds, but I don't have a activisation key...:(

Somewhere, in something tutorial I seen, if I don't wanna make the blurry surface, like in the second render, than I have to setup the picture's blur to lower. For example the blure let be 0,2 not 1.

In the VRay if I changed the bitmap's filter, than the displacement was much-much faster...But in the alpha5...there is when I tried the displacement, only once I got a render...and after all the time got a max's crash. :( 

I wrote about Keymaster, but today I felt I have to make new renders with alpha5 and learnig...learning.
I think this is the best render, and I like to learning...this is my passion! :)

I'm addicted of Corona!  :D

Gallery / Re: first try
« on: 2014-02-19, 20:00:04 »
The lamp shades is too bright...Did you make an any post or CC?

I don't know why, but for me the lights and the reflections not working in this scene...sorry for that...

Thx the renderings!

Gallery / Re: The Dinner
« on: 2014-02-19, 19:53:39 »
Nice renders, just three thinks:

1. the wall why yoz made a high bump? Fro me it's too strong.
2. the table is mirror ? Because ther is no opacity...
3. the table-vare looks like a plastic...

The conception and the mood is really good! 

Could you share the material for the flowers?

Thanks and all the best!

Gallery / Re: kitchen
« on: 2014-02-19, 19:46:30 »
Nice and clear render, but the lamps has a too much glowing. Realy fake for me, and on the ceiling the reflection of light same looks like "washed out".

Keep rockin' ! :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Mixed bump problem...
« on: 2014-02-19, 19:40:58 » I made a new render, but it's looks like the bump is working...

Any idea?

[Max] I need help! / Mixed bump problem...
« on: 2014-02-19, 18:14:43 »

I got an problem about the bump, maybe have anybody idea whats the good way to  fixing?

I attached the render and the material setup, please check it for me...
I have the Corona alpha V5 version. Maybe this is not an a big issue in the daily users, but I'd like to fixing this mixed bump...


Gallery / Re: Firs postproduction ready
« on: 2014-02-19, 17:09:05 »
But I don't know that diaphragm...What it's mean exactlly...
It's aperture in english.

Wow! Thank you, I never figuered out in my mind !  :D

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Belly's WIP
« on: 2014-02-19, 17:07:53 »
Generally you should not put colored map in reflection slot on anything that is not metal. In fact, leather material barely needs reflection component to be mapped at all. You'd rather play with glossiness and bump.

I see, and I have learned same like you, but here...I have found this information:
"So the main difference between metals and non metals are...

    Non metals
        tend to have a lower IOR (hence, more diffuse reflection and less specular reflection)
        the color of the reflection is the same as the thing its reflecting
        tend to have a higher IOR (hence, more specular and less diffuse)
        can have reflections that are tinted by the color of the metal."

The side where i found this is

Well, this was the pont which gave me some idea about the reflecting. For me the gray shades in the reflection map, make me an unrealistic results, becuse in the nature there is no just gray or white or black reflections. But if I try to make reflection with the main color and that color's shades make me better result...? I have tried in VRay, and the reflection was better for my eyes...

Maybe I'm wrong, but did you tried ever the colored reflections?


Work in Progress/Tests / Re: WIP - Hazarda
« on: 2014-02-19, 16:22:13 »
Quickly done another angle

The wood's grainline is wrong...

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: hdri vs corona light
« on: 2014-02-19, 16:13:56 »
I think the opacity is the problem just try 0,1 and make a mask for the titles in opacity slot. And make the plastic material for the titles...
And the bump is extremly everywhere...

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Belly's WIP
« on: 2014-02-19, 14:57:47 »

the vigneting a bit too much for me...And here as well I found something strange on the leather surface.
I have something simmilar result of the leather. And this is maybe about the reflecting...?

My question is the next, maybe some prof knows the right answer...
So...when I make the leather, then  I add in reflection bitmap to the reflection slot. This useally just a grey bitmap. My problém is, when I see the resault, there has a lot of grey reflection in the leather's deep surface...
But opposite, if I use the colored diffuse bitmap in the reflection slot, then the resault is better, not looks like fake...

But...another question is...If I get the "main" color of the diffuse map, and scale to the black and white ends, for example brown for the leather, that should be a better way to make a realy reflections for any surfaces ?
Like leather, wood, fabric, organics etc.

If somebody knows the right answer, please share with me... :)


Gallery / Re: Firs postproduction ready
« on: 2014-02-19, 14:43:29 »
You may use target point of camera for setup dof distanse. Then you must watch focus distance in camera settings and enter this value in corona settings tab. (for a dof)

Ok, i have learnt photographic wee bit) And say. For first pic put target on cupboard (diaphragm 4 or 4.5 for example). lámpa.jpg .
Then second image : nearest corner of table or vase. And set diaphragm 5 or 6 or little bit more.  main_PP ready.jpg

Better less than bigger diaphragm for start) Small values applicable for a macro.

Of course, real camera (daily builds have this modifier for a camera, and same settings) has got diaphragm, shutter speed and iso, white balance and other.

Thank you your advice, I'll try it . I did not figured out, but this sound really good! But I don't know that diaphragm...What it's mean exactlly...I found something on WIKI, but that's somaething else about the inner body...:O


[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Golden reflection problem
« on: 2014-02-18, 16:39:29 »
so... I guess no bug here, you just need to get more practice with corona materials


yes, your right! That was the first impression of Corona, and I thought thats something bug.

Now I got browse the forum, and I find some good advice and setup, and Rawalanche gave me a good point to start the metal materials...
I'm useing the alphaV5, but in that I have changed some materials in this scene, and now the max all the time crash when I opening the material editor...No chance to setup back the mat's values :(  , maybe with the material converter I must to try cancelling the all slots in material editor...!?

Now I try to learning to make the real materials and shaders in Corona. This is important for me now, but I think I would like to get the daily release...maybe soon. This renderer put on the Corona for my workflow! :) There has a space and light in the space...uniquely.

But before that I have to make an material conversation for my new scene.


Gallery / Re: Firs postproduction ready
« on: 2014-02-18, 14:28:21 »
If you want "real" photos, first - you should use realworld values of camera dof )) Maybe more bump on the carpet. (And check thickness). And the last one - some material looks not very realistic. For example - dark wood on the table and chairs and material of nightstand! Good luck to you!

Thanks your reply, about the DOF I know that's not right. I did not use any rules for the distances. Or may I have a chance to use something easiest way to DOF' distances? I mean ZDepth min&max ?

Now I learning the photographic, which I think an really important side of CG.
And I posted to links to great writing for materials and postproduction.


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