Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Bug Reporting

Bug with Physical Materials and the Asset Browser

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Since there was a Hotfix to Corona 11 and also the new 2024.4 had some promising new feature, I've installed both and tried out our beloved little bugs. Seems like the bug somehow changed . Now, the color stays after re-loading it from the Asset Browser (most of the time), but the Bump value still is replaced with the full 100%, instead of the previously set value before loading it into the database. Just for a quick update on the topic from my side.


--- Quote from: d4l1 on 2024-04-19, 12:48:12 ---Since there was a Hotfix to Corona 11 and also the new 2024.4 had some promising new feature, I've installed both and tried out our beloved little bugs. Seems like the bug somehow changed . Now, the color stays after re-loading it from the Asset Browser (most of the time), but the Bump value still is replaced with the full 100%, instead of the previously set value before loading it into the database. Just for a quick update on the topic from my side.

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Ufff, I guess I will keep 2024.1 installed just to save assets 💀 Really a shitty era for software reliability


--- Quote from: d4l1 on 2024-04-19, 12:48:12 ---Since there was a Hotfix to Corona 11 and also the new 2024.4 had some promising new feature, I've installed both and tried out our beloved little bugs. Seems like the bug somehow changed . Now, the color stays after re-loading it from the Asset Browser (most of the time), but the Bump value still is replaced with the full 100%, instead of the previously set value before loading it into the database. Just for a quick update on the topic from my side.

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This still seems very uncertain and I keep wondering why nothing has been fixed yet. I think it's partly due to corona and partly due to maxon. Maxon tells me to contact corona. Somehow it all seems very uncertain to me, it's a fundamental mistake that can lead to whole days of work being lost because you think everything is correctly stored in the library. We have to set up three workstations here so that either cinema4d (asset problem with corona) or corona (extremely slow loading of files that contain Corona Bitmap shader) works and that is just extremely nerve-wracking if nothing changes. I posted the error over 2 months ago and so far either the things couldn't be traced or you only get the feedback that it will be passed on. On the other hand, unimportant new functions are added instead of focusing on ensuring that everything works smoothly. Man, I'm really pissed off, sorry, but this needs to be heard. I have to take care of everything here and this  just doesn't work.

Hi there,
Thank you (all of you) for testing this and bringing as much feedback as possible.
This is being investigated.
I hope to have some news regarding this in ASAP, I'll just ask you for your patience.
And once again, thank you for all the feedback here.

Looks like that problem is fixed now in Corona 12? Made a few test assets and it seems to keep all the material settings.


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