Author Topic: Chaos Scatter playground  (Read 23144 times)

2022-04-19, 10:12:16
Reply #15


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Hey guys. I've been playing with the new scattering tool and I must say it feels significantly slower than the preview version.
I'm talking about some simple operations like scattering some grass on a plane. Max freezes after every small change on the parameters and the image takes way longer to update on the VFB than before.
Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?

Which Corona and 3ds max versions are you using?

Please read this before reporting bugs: How to report issues to us!
Send me your scene!

2022-04-19, 15:50:23
Reply #16


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Hey! Maru. I downloaded the unpack files and instructions below, but the following instruction was not possible because I did not find such folders or files:

- Go to the folder where your files were unzipped and navigate to Chaos Corona\Chaos Group\

- Copy the entire file to the "Scatter" folder in C:\Program Files\Chaos Group (so the resulting path will be C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Scatter)

The other instructions I found and did everything right, but it's still not working. I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything several times and Chaos Scatter is not coming with it, I've even downloaded the installer again from the website and nothing from Chaos Scatter came with it, not even in the "unpack files".

Wouldn't it be possible to install a separate Chaos Scatter plugin? I know this problem is not common, it must be some unique problem on my computer that Chaos Scatter is not coming installed with corona8, but is there a separate chaos scatter plugin that I can download and install separately?

I looked in some youtube videos that a plugin comes with each version of 3ds max to install chaos scatter separately in the chaos corona folder. But I didn't find any there.

A silly question, but: you are running the Corona 8 installer from , right? It is not an earlier version?
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2022-04-20, 03:20:53
Reply #17


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Hey guys. I've been playing with the new scattering tool and I must say it feels significantly slower than the preview version.
I'm talking about some simple operations like scattering some grass on a plane. Max freezes after every small change on the parameters and the image takes way longer to update on the VFB than before.
Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?

Which Corona and 3ds max versions are you using?


Hi Rowan. I'm using Corona 8 latest version and 3ds Max 2022.

2022-04-20, 13:52:49
Reply #18


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BTW "latest version" never helps, because you might think something is the latest when it isn't - please always specify the version. In this case, the latest version is the officially released Corona 8 downloaded from the website at, let us know if you do mean Corona 8 final release :) Thanks!
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-04-20, 17:39:09
Reply #19


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BTW "latest version" never helps, because you might think something is the latest when it isn't - please always specify the version. In this case, the latest version is the officially released Corona 8 downloaded from the website at, let us know if you do mean Corona 8 final release :) Thanks!

You're right Tom. I have the Corona 8 final release from the download section.

2022-04-20, 17:53:41
Reply #20


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Thanks for confirming! Just removes any possible source of confusion, much appreciated :)
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-04-23, 03:10:15
Reply #21

Yudi Nishi

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I can't use chaos scatter. I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything several times and nothing solves it, whenever I click a message appears as if Chaos Scatter was not installed. How do I solve? I use 3ds max 2021

Please try this:

- Install Corona 8 using the standard installation method (or just do not uninstall it - the point is to have Corona installed)
- Run the installer again and pick the "unpack files" option - see this guide for more information:

- Go to the folder where your files were unpacked and then navigate to Chaos Corona\Chaos Group\
- Copy the whole "Scatter" folder into C:\Program Files\Chaos Group (so the resulting path will be C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Scatter)

- Go to the folder where your files were unpacked and then navigate to \Chaos Corona\Autodesk
- Go into the folder with the name of your 3ds Max version (e.g. if you are using 3ds Max 2022 go to the folder \Chaos Corona\Autodesk\3ds Max 2022)
- Copy the content of this folder ("plugins" and "UI_ln" folders)
- Go to your 3ds Max installation folder (e.g. in case of 3ds Max 2022 the default folder is C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2022)
- Paste the folders "plugins" and "UI_ln" into your 3ds Max folder (so the "plugins" and "UI_ln" have to be pasted into C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2022)

This is basically manual installation of the Scatter plugin.
Please let me know if it worked.

This is actually a workaround, and we should find out why it didn't work automatically in the first place.

Hey guys, wanted to add my contribution here: I've spent some hours trying to figure this out for me and for some students that are having the same problem and just found another workaround. I still have NO CLUE what is causing the problem though. While looking for the solution, I tested the Unpacking method described here and got the same result as "josefane". No chaos group folder appears. After some tries with admin mode, pausing Kasperky antivirus, and maaaaany other things, decided to test it on multiple computers and got to see with my own eyes that the "Unpacked chaos group folder" does actually exist. The problem is that, for reasons unknown to me, it either doesn't get a chance to be created on some machines or it gets deleted so fast you can't see it (don't know which), so I imagine the same thing is happening during the standard corona installation process.

Restarted windows in safe mode + networking, (unpacked files first just to see if the "chaos group folder" appeared, and it did), installed corona through the usual method and restarted windows.
EDIT: I was always using the installer from by the way

2022-05-02, 12:23:43
Reply #22


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Hello, hope this is the right topic for general questions about Chaos Scatter.

It looks like Chaos Scatter is build “cross-platform” now and it can work with Corona and Vray.

I have a small question about licensing:
-Is it possible to use Chaos Scatter if I only have Vray license active?

Thanks !

2022-05-02, 14:57:43
Reply #23


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Hello, hope this is the right topic for general questions about Chaos Scatter.

It looks like Chaos Scatter is build “cross-platform” now and it can work with Corona and Vray.

I have a small question about licensing:
-Is it possible to use Chaos Scatter if I only have Vray license active?

Thanks !

Sure, but Chaos Scatter is not officially supported by V-Ray (yet). It might not work properly.
Chaos Scatter developer | In case of crash, please send minidump | Private uploader: