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Working in the material editor, whether in compact or slate mode, has been painfully slow for years, especially when IR is running. If this issue is related to Corona and not 3ds Max itself, it should be a top priority to fix.

There are things to consider to make sure only Corona win32 UI slows it down as I noted above:
- use Standard Mode in all viewports (avoid HQ)
- disable texture previews in all viewports (otherwise Nitrous will reflect a change to let's say a noise map in the material and it can get slow depending on viewport map/textures resolution settings, much slower with bigger preview sizes)
- avoid displaying any material that uses a distance map in the material editor (known to cause slowdowns, especially if an object used in a distance map is manipulated while the material editor displays that map/material)
- (no idea how plugins like RailClone or ForestPro etc affect the viewport but they might play a role, too)

If you eliminate all of the above it's likely Corona's win32 UI that causes the slowdown when displaying manipulating materials, and especially so while in IR.
A good test is to set a slot to a native Max Physical Material and compare it to a Corona material. The native one will be much faster.

As someone pointed out already, I also found that a new fresh max session will be faster and get slower over time. Maybe devs have an idea why this is.

Additional note - there was a new behavior introduced in Max 2023 or 2024 (not sure) that was supposed to skip the evaluation of hidden objects (and their materials, I suppose). However it was bugged and didn't work, this was undiscovered for another 1+ years and only fixed then. So scenes should generally feel snappier in newer Max versions where this is working.

I would love to see some support/dev interaction here. It's a bit silent lately in general and this topic never got the attention it deserved, especially since Qt in Max is now 5+ years old.
[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« Last post by Jens on Today at 13:54:32 »
Is there a way to alternate "flip" the coronapattern on an object? I.e. the way floorgenerator plugin works where it can flip boards randomly. So every now and then, my panel would flip on x or y axis to give more randomization?

I found the rotate function and set increments, but it doesn't give the result i'm after. I'm trying to do something like these facade panels (attached). Could probably get the effect I want by dividing the object and flip the UV mapping in some areas, but it would be very tedious and loose the flexibility coronapattern offers.

Also, I can't seem to get the "auto-gen caps" function to do anything (example attached).

And I'm having issues with seems. The object it's "scattered on" is fully welded in the corner, but I still get this result (attached)


Generating caps works just like as if you used slice, and then cap holes modifier. Maybe it is capping, but you have shell modifier and it caps just the shell/thickness part. If you have the patter as a volume (rather than as a sheet of metal), it should work.

For flow/integrity of the pattern - as probably you have different faces at the intersection, the "cut" at the corner is expected, unless you play around with the height and offset of pattern to make it invisible. Another option will be to make a little chamfer at the corner (to smooth the transition) and check the UVs of the chamfered part.

Hope this helps.

So it's recommended that the object we use pattern on, to have a thickness and not just be a single plane?

Good tip with chamfering the corner, will give that a go.
[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Cinema 4D + Redshift
« Last post by johnnyswedish on Today at 13:20:05 »

I did have problems opening C4D this morning and had to re-activate my licence. I did read something on ReEdit that you will no longer be able to rent/buy C4D only. I sincerely hope this is not true??? I will not be able to afford RS & Corona. If this is the case we need a REVOLT!!!!
Working in the material editor, whether in compact or slate mode, has been painfully slow for years, especially when IR is running. If this issue is related to Corona and not 3ds Max itself, it should be a top priority to fix.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Tree shows fewer leaves after rendering
« Last post by romullus on Today at 12:14:37 »
Could be many things, like wrong opacity settings, mapping issues, or anything else. Did you try to render a close-up view and see how the leaves looks when they occupy significant portion of the rendered image?
[Max] I need help! / Re: Render to texture, inverted AO maps
« Last post by Remi_Tribia on Today at 12:03:15 »
Nice, 3 and a half years later, problem still persist
[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona .glTF conversion
« Last post by James Vella on Today at 10:55:30 »
Yes thats correct, this script is for those who currently use PBR textures and want to convert from Corona Physical to GLTF Material and export. This is not a paid script, its just an option and what I use in my workflow. Feel free to use what is best for your workflow since I wont be doing color correct conversions or legacy materials etc.

Good point about the transmission, sheen & clearcoat, thanks for the suggestion.
[Max] I need help! / Tree shows fewer leaves after rendering
« Last post by Salmaasa on Today at 10:36:06 »
I have downloaded a Maxtree tree model. But when I render it in my scene, seems like there are fewer leaves than shown in the thumbnail. I can't understand if this is a material issue or a camera angle issue. Can someone help? I am attaching the thumbnail and my render.
[Max] Tutorials & Guides / Re: MAKING A FABRIC IN VERY CLOSE UP
« Last post by romullus on Today at 09:56:41 »
Sorry, i didn't express myself clear enough. I mean it would be nice to see something like this:
[Max] Tutorials & Guides / Re: MAKING A FABRIC IN VERY CLOSE UP
« Last post by Msee_Studio on Today at 08:46:02 »
I'm not sure to understand your suggestion: " i'd like to see it with some custom colour pattern too "
brown is a color in itself, you can choose the color you want to apply on pattern.
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