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Messages - Ealexander

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Brilliant!  That works perfect - thank you!

Here is a sample scene that shows a basic version of the setup.  Thanks in advance for any ideas.


I am working on an Xpresso rig where I need to end user to drop a texture into my user data slot and this would become the texture for an emissive texture on a plane in the scene.  I have the setup working correctly in Redshift, so I know My methodology is working overall.  It's all simple set driver/driven stuff.

With Corona, when I drag the material into the Xpresso window, there is no port for Emission Texture, only Color (& Color R,G,B) - am I missing something?  Connecting to the color port isn't working and when I try to manually drag the texture field from attributes to the node, it lets me make a Texture port, but it won't let me connect anything to it.  Weirdly, I can choose Texture from the OUTPUT side of the node but that does nothing to help me.

Any thoughts here?  I realize this is an obscure request.



[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Chaos Vantage
« on: 2024-03-04, 14:38:18 »
Really excited to try Vantage out.  I'm learning Unreal, which is great, but Vantage might hit that sweet spot in between that is just what I want.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Best Images for Dome Mapping
« on: 2024-02-16, 18:35:10 »
Not sure this helps, but I've used this one with Dome very successfully.

In general, the higher quality ones I've used tend to be better, I know that's not solid advice.

I would approach the steam using a VDB file.  There are many out there and you can buy packs like this (some animated, some stills):

You'd have to play with the settings a bit to make it more steam like and less smoky, but that can be achieved.  Take a look at this:


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona 11 and Pyro
« on: 2023-12-05, 19:48:33 »
We have Pyro covered in our Help Center and Documentation:

If it's not clear enough, please let us know and we will do our best to improve it.

Also, feel free to register for our live webinar (plus we will most likely release some Pyro tutorials in the near future).

Thanks Maru - I would say those steps are rather buried in the language and could be more prominent.  Thanks!

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Complex Material Help
« on: 2023-12-05, 19:45:46 »
A few ideas:

Render them without glaze - render them with full glaze (maybe puddles as separate SDS objects) and then do some creative masking in Photoshop - will still require some highlight painting.

Great the glaze material and place it as a second material over each ball and then create a custom opacity mask.  Again - puddles as sperate objects.

You won't get it perfect, but I bet you get it close enough that hte post touch up isn't too bad.

Could a glaze DECAL be useful here?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona 11 and Pyro
« on: 2023-12-05, 18:25:01 »
Oh never mind - I am dumb and just for Ben's thread in the other forum.

Short answer for anyone reading.  Add an object and add the pyro tag.  Add a Corona Volume Grid and add the Pyro Output to the OBEJECT PROPERTIES box.  Weirdly, drag and drop doesn't work here, but the eye dropper tool does.  Ignore the Error message and off you go.

[C4D] General Discussion / Corona 11 and Pyro
« on: 2023-12-05, 18:18:26 »
I see in the marketing release that this version works natively with Pyro, yet I can't get it to work.  Any guide or help files to show how to set this up?

My "high tech" experiment was adding a sphere, adding a pyro tag to it, running the sim in time.  Render.  Nada.  What am I missing?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: hdri with roof
« on: 2023-10-23, 17:21:57 »
I can't speak for the OP, but for me - not all rendering is realistic or Natural.  Most of my renders are inside arenas or stadiums and there are times when I need to render out simple shots for geometry discussion or pipeline workflow verification that aren't about being lit, but just need to be seen, and while I can set up a lighting system for this, it's usually quicker to just toss a big HDRI in there and have it blow through the geometry of the arena.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: hdri with roof
« on: 2023-09-20, 19:19:42 »
Stefan beat me to it.  A Corona Compositing tag on the geometry with SEEN BY GI unchecked will let the outside light in.  It's unnatural, but can be done.

Whoops - sorry, read your post too fast.

Here's how I do it -

Turn on Corona Mutipass from the Corona menu and add an ID pass.  Click on the ID pass and change it's ID type to Material.  Render to Picture viewer and when done rendering, in the Picture viewer window, switch to LAYER and check Single pass and save this out.  In my example you can see different colors for each material - the cone and Cube.1 have the same material.

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