Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds

Chaos Corona 12 for 3ds Max - Daily Builds Changelog

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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
If you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:
Warning! There is a major bug in this daily build causing a crash once a Corona Camera is created or selected! This will be fixed in the upcoming versions.

User-Facing Improvements
* Added a toggleable lock button for Corona Decal to lock width to height aspect ratio.
* User-Facing Improvements: added glossiness mapping for clear-coat in CoronaScannedMtl.
* Viewport display of camera's focal plane was enabled in the camera view and parameters to enable it and change its opacity were added.
* Added the option to fit Corona's Pattern crop box using another object size and transformation.
* Added the option to ignore bump in Corona Curvature map.
* Added option to select objects in the scene that will be included in/excluded from environment illumination.
* Added the Alpha interaction option into the CoronaScannedMtl.Bugfixes
* Fixed rare NAN caused by an error in VFB.
* Fixed rare NAN in Caustic solver.
* CoronaNormal map uses fixed gamma = 2.2 in OCIO mode for gamma correction (enabled by "Add gamma to input").
* Fixed issue where some scenes with Chaos Scatter might load for infinitely long time.
* Fixed issue where some instances were occasionally placed outside of very-fine meshes when using the UV-distribution scattering.


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