Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Daily Builds
The new VFB: icons
"and that doing masking and such complex work is best left to external software dedicated to that purpose"
i have to disagree here, masking isnt complex and to be abel to do such tuning in the render, as i can do it in vray is a big plus and makes work easier.
we try to do as view as possible in post. and time is money i n end.
so a simple masking as vray has it would be a great time saver and workflow helper. maybe for v13 then.
"but I will warn that it would be incredibly unlikely for anything like that to be in Corona 13, which already has its work cut out for it :O " just as a reminder not to have hopes for anything like this to appear in 13. If it happens it is very very very likely to be next year at the earliest.
ok thx for this info.
never thought i would say that, but in meanwhile, i sometimes i really wished Corona and V-ray would merge into one perfect app, combining best of both engines;)
vray for me is too slow and somehow feels outdated, on the other hand it has such nice features like the vfb2, or already near perfect vantage export, vrscene support etc
Not a big fan of the design either. It looks like a programmer (no offense) and not a designer did this. In fact Corona is slowly moving away from the straightforward design render engine, and I find it confusing as to why. Every version seems to feel slower and more bloated. As UE5 becomes used more and more in my world of commercial animation and rendering, I hope speed and ease of use would still be top of mind.
Disappointed with the new VFB. Many not necessary changes... Only good thing is the extra LightMixes.
And I often get this HAND cursor in the VFB (I don't really know what triggers this and the arrow pointer turns to a hand-punch looking cursor) but it is totally annoying..
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