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Corona for Rhinoceros :)?
Any programmer who wants to work with Corona and Rhino?
Pleaseeee!! (hehe)
Me personally, I model stuff in Rhino, since I'm an industrial designer.
Buildings, Furniture and such things which go much faster than in C4D or Max.
But building up scenes, I find much nicer in C4D... There you have stuff like Mograph, etc...
I use Rhino a lot for architecture, it's fast...... my workflow, rhino is 90%, and 3ds Max 10% for model special things.
3ds Max for second part with Corona and finish the project.
Yup, me too.
I'd LOVE to see Corona for Rhino, but my fear is that it'll end up in a similar unfortunate situation to Vray for Rhino. That is; powerful software, almost exactly same features as in the 3DSmax version, but with almost no community... ie; no models to download and use, not many discussions, not many plug-ins, limited support etc (although, admittedly, with the plug-ins, Grasshopper is a pretty good one-stop-shop.)
These issues are the precise reason why I moved from a Rhino+Vray only workflow to Rhino-3DSmax-Corona workflow.
--- Quote from: aaouviz on 2019-06-01, 19:20:21 ---Yup, me too.
I'd LOVE to see Corona for Rhino, but my fear is that it'll end up in a similar unfortunate situation to Vray for Rhino. That is; powerful software, almost exactly same features as in the 3DSmax version, but with almost no community... ie; no models to download and use, not many discussions, not many plug-ins, limited support etc (although, admittedly, with the plug-ins, Grasshopper is a pretty good one-stop-shop.)
These issues are the precise reason why I moved from a Rhino+Vray only workflow to Rhino-3DSmax-Corona workflow.
--- End quote ---
The same happened to me.
It is possible that the best combination for me is Rhino + Max + Corona and not change it. It is true.
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