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Messages - cor

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Re: Grainy image from Corona Sun
« on: 2023-01-27, 20:07:01 »
I see.. We will run some tests. Have a great weekend!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Grainy image from Corona Sun
« on: 2023-01-27, 20:00:24 »
Tom, just checking in, please see the previous response regarding:
which denoiser did you use, Corona HQ (where I wouldn't expect this) or one of the AI ones? That background HDRI also looks surprisingly grainy, is there anything odd about it? Was it a straight HDRI used as env and seen directly, or was one HDRI or Sun/Sky used for the Env, and another for Direct Visibility?

What could we be missing here?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Grainy image from Corona Sun
« on: 2023-01-23, 20:50:10 »
We use Corona HQ denoiser. The background is a simple image from our 360 panorama (  The image quality is bad but we used it so that the client can feel his own environment. We are fine with it not being sharp but that outline is weird. We put it on a 'light' plane to give the light. We have a separate sun with environment. This is our approach in this project. And we did not succeed with creating HDRI background from our own background picture.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Grainy image from Corona Sun
« on: 2023-01-20, 14:43:46 »
Thank you Tom. I have a quick follow-up question: We got these weird artifacts along the perimeter of the window where we have the background image, see attached. Is this because we tinkered with the LightMix while it was rendering in the background or was it because we stopped the rendering, allowed it to finish denoising and then continued rendering from file at a later time? What causes this?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Grainy image from Corona Sun
« on: 2023-01-12, 18:54:02 »
Wow, thank you so much for this information! We were pulling out our hair for weeks before we figured to reach out for help. We will run a test and set all lights to the same white intensity and see what happens when we change the intensity and color in the LightMix. Have a fabulous week!

[Max] I need help! / Grainy image from Corona Sun
« on: 2023-01-12, 07:42:08 »
Happy New Year everyone!

To make it easy to understand I recorded this short video ( of what is happening. Basically, we have an interior scene with some sunlight casting into the space. When we play with the light mixer in some combination we see grainy areas right where the sunlight is casted. What are we doing wrong or what setting are we missing. The denoising is helping a bit but it seems unusual that this graininess is showing up only at the sun lit areas?

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