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Messages - Naxos

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Ok i see, thank you Tom

Hi there,

I'm surprised to see that some commercial render engine are available for Blender, and not Corona renderer :

I thought it was not going to Blender because of the open source system, that makes sense, but how do other do ?
Especially vRay, same company now.

how to prevent DoF on backdrop picture ?
Hello there,

I would like to use DoF for my 3D, but not for the picture backdrop (put in the "direct override" in render params).

Problem is that the backdrop picture gets blurred. How to prevent that ?

I was especting some "CoronaToneMapping"-like node that would let us prevent the DoF blurr on background picture.

Thanks for help.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Toon Outlines
« on: 2024-04-15, 18:54:03 »
Look at Cebas final Toon : it is a piece of art toon shading. It can even uses hatching for shadows...

Please add that to Corona !

Hi there,

I would use a "better" noise level calculation to set in animation works :
If we could include / exclude some objets from the global noise level calculation, this would help to set a better noise-based limit.

Best example is a packshot using some ShadowCatcher white floor :
My object has a quite complex shader, and stays noisy for many passes, while the floor is not noisy after 5-6 passes. But the noise level seams to make some average for the entire picture, and gives a wrong noise level number.

Any chance it will be implemented ?

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Rounded Camera Clipping
« on: 2023-05-25, 15:25:08 »
I don't think you'd need to hassle with all the objects separately, AFAIK slicer cuts through everything, unless you choose to exclude certain objects from it. Rayswitcher setup also shouldn't be big challenge and most certainly easier to work than with likely limited and/or complicated tool in camera settings.  That's just my 2 cents, i'm not trying to convince anybody that Slicer is the only possible solution to the problem.

Ok, but slicer makes the light going through and no presence in reflexions...

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Rounded Camera Clipping
« on: 2023-05-25, 13:56:34 »
Tested it, it could work with only walls, but as you see in the screenshot, the windows are not seen in reflections.

I would have to manage one slicer per object/mtl, with include/exclude lists...

So, really more easy and usefiull a shaped camera cliping.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Rounded Camera Clipping
« on: 2023-05-25, 13:45:43 »
I think Corona Slicer should handle situations like this, isn't?

Not really, as i don't need the objects to be cuted-out, as light may differ.
Of course i could use a combination between SlicerMtl and Rayswitch to have objects that are participating to th GI, but not visibles. But a feature to manager directly the camera clipping could be very usefull.


[EDIT] : also, if i have plenty of objects, i have to manage all of them with Slicer / Rayswitch... (for ex. walls, windows, handle, floor, ceiling, baseboard...)

[Max] Feature Requests / Rounded Camera Clipping
« on: 2023-05-25, 12:29:34 »
Hello there,

It would be very usefull to have a "rounded" camera clipping, or even better, a "freeform / spline-shaped" camera clipping.

In Archviz, we always want some nice camera views, but very often we have to play with Tilt&Shift, clipping and position to find the unique millimeter that let us get the picture we need :
more clipping value : the objects are couted-out; less clipping and the walls/floor/ceiling are photo-bombing into the picture.

I'd love to get some rarc-rounded camera clipping, so i can put my camera behind a corner, bu get the scene fully rendered.

And even better, the carema clipping following a spline, a bit like in architectural cuts that are not always straits, but are following some polylines.

Please see attached pictures.

Just tested it and it's true - Corona will always report the VDB as 'empty' regardless of the settings and tweaks I'm using in Embergen.
I've posted a question on their discord, let's see if I get a response. It's really strange as it worked for all the alpha/beta builds of Embergen, no idea why it fails now.

Maybe something with the new possibility to custom name channels.
I've tested without changing any name, but maybe they put by default wrong ones (caps or something) ?


We have logged this as a feature request. We will let you know if there are any updates on this issue.

(Internal ID=1084579743)

Many thanks.

I have used VDBs from Embergen without problems.
I've not tried yet with v1.0 (VDBs from Embergen beta definitely worked) but from what I've read they have introduced the possibility to use arbitrary names for VDB channels in v1.0. Maybe that's the problem: channels aren't named 'correctly' and Corona expects them to follow a certain naming convention?
For the records, i let the names as they were by default.

Can you provide one of the problematic vdb files? Can always be done privately via ticket

Also, which version of Corona and which version of Max?
Done !

[Max] Bug Reporting / CoronaVolumeGrid does not want my VDBs
« on: 2023-03-24, 17:25:10 »
I'm trying Embergen, it exports VDB sequences.
VrayVolumeGrid open them no problem, and Corona can render that.

BUT, CoronaVolumeGrid keeps telling that the files are empty, no data and does not render.
Any idea about that ? how to setup export / import ?
Vray is not installed on all my PCs, and i would need to DRrender, so i need CoronaVolumeGrid to work with Embergen's VDBs.

Thank you for help.

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