Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQUse daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.This is our first RC, we'll now focus on testing and resolving any remaining issues.
Changes in Corona 10 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 1) (
- New:
- Added Surface Color shader for Chaos Scatter
- Added option to enable/disable automatic IR resolution change in VFB
- Custom aperture shape can now be rotated
- Changes:
- Opacity replacement in Corona decal channels is now disabled by default
- Improved help system integration with Cinema 4D "Show help" command
- Fixes:
- Fixed problem with custom DOF aperture shape being rotated by 90 degrees and bladed aperture rotated by 180 degrees
- Fixed problem with lister dialog content being vertically stretched in some scenarios
- Fixed crash when importing Cosmos lights
- Fixed duplicated multi-pass layers in VFB when render resolution is changed in IR
- Fixed resizing of IR resolution in VFB when using upscaling factor
- Fixed problem with dialogs opened from lister (e.g. columns visibility or color picker) not being in front of main C4D window
- Fixed switching of mask source mode in Corona Decal when unchecking related checkbox
- Fixed crash when changing Corona Decal using shader as mask source and with cloning instances in IR
- Fixed crash when changing Corona Light using shader texture and with cloning instances in IR
- Fixed rare crash hapening when changing tone mapping in camera
- Fixed slower rendering with buckets than without buckets
- Improved performance of CoronaAO map in some rare cases