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Hosting VR tours

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Webhosting with domain in your country(support for HTML, FTP access, 1/2/...GB space ) and

You can host virtual tours via Chaos Cloud Collaboration, which is in the current RCs and dailies. See

You'll need to manually set up the hotspots once the images are uploaded (a future update will have automatic hotspot generation), but that's easy enough. Also if your aspect ratio is 2:1 (twice as wide as tall) they will automatically be set to panorama mode. You can upload manually (any Corona version), or from the VFB2 (Corona 12 Update 1 - note not HF 1, but Update 1 :) ).

Philip kelly:
Thank you Tom.


--- Quote from: TomG on 2024-11-12, 16:02:47 ---You can host virtual tours via Chaos Cloud Collaboration, which is in the current RCs and dailies. See

You'll need to manually set up the hotspots once the images are uploaded (a future update will have automatic hotspot generation), but that's easy enough. Also if your aspect ratio is 2:1 (twice as wide as tall) they will automatically be set to panorama mode. You can upload manually (any Corona version), or from the VFB2 (Corona 12 Update 1 - note not HF 1, but Update 1 :) ).

--- End quote ---

This is super cool Tom, but I just tried this out really crude and wanted to test what happened if I send the link to a colleague. He was still prompted to login to a Chaos account? Is it not possible to share the tour to people without them having to login?

Nejc Kilar:
Hmm, sharing the Virtual Tour to someone who isn't logged in works fine on my end.

When you go into the share settings for your particular Virtual Tour project make sure to set "Link Access" to "Anyone can view".

I think that should help but if it doesn't please let us know.


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