Hello everyone, i'm currently new at Corona for Cinema 4D, and i'm trying to solve a issue but i can't seem to find a proper solution.
Im doing a animation and i need to use alpha for compositing later in After Effects, the problem is that the Alpha Channel takes away the Bloom and Glare options, it only aplies if it is on black background or has pixel in it.
The ideal solution would by having a Bloom and Glare pass on the multi-pass option, but as i was reading the FAQ for Cinema4d, the Pass for Bloom and Glare was working before, and now it doesn't work anymore. [Atached a screenshot to show the post]
I was just wondering if i can get around that, try to reproduce Bloom and Glare in a different way, or extract the Bloom by darken in all the scene and use the Add or Screen for Blending mode in After Effects
Is this possible?