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Topics - Volodymyr.Lysak.STEALTH

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I decided to make an old parquet with displacement and looks like I found a bug. Displacement applies only first map slot in the CoronaMultiMap and ignores any other slots.
On the attached render you can see only one type of displacement, but CoronaMultiMap has two different maps.

I really liked LightMix. But I accidentally twice pressed on the Render button instead of the LightMix tab. Yep, I saved DumpEXR before it happend and I can open it again in VFB using "resume from file..." but I must wait again about 20 minutes for Denoise (9 LightSelect passes). I have i7-3770K@4.2Ghz. So can you protect us from this shit by adding warning message or maybe rearrange UI or something like this? But perfect solution will be ability to save calculated Denoise in EXR file.

Also a couple of thoughts ...
1. Lacks on / off buttons for each LightSelect.
2. Would be better if all lighting AND Post will save as preset in a scene and/or in one *.conf file. (see attach)
3. Why LightMix doesn't affect on other passes? For excample, if I turn off some lights these lights still visible in reflection pass.

Gallery / Horse 2014
« on: 2014-01-18, 15:29:05 »
Hi. Decided to try Corona Renderer... Excellent speed and quality "out of the box." To the materials need to get used to. Especially defies understanding of parameter Fresnel IOR. For me, the benchmark is Maxwell Render Material. Would be great see the same in Corona... :)
In this scene I used Corona Sun/Sky and default render settings. Depth of Field and Motion Blur from Corona Renderer. Post: MagicBullets Looks (ColorCorrection and glow)

Models of crystals for MultiScatter.

CoronaAO as Emitter color = 100% shut down Max2013. Even in Material Editor...

Can be fixed?

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