Author Topic: Cinema 4D Corona Scene Converter  (Read 121895 times)

2020-09-01, 14:12:32
Reply #135


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Good to hear. The devs don't seem to think this is a useful tool. Will your tool hand materials with Reflectance correctly?

2020-09-01, 15:01:32
Reply #136


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Good to hear. The devs don't seem to think this is a useful tool. Will your tool hand materials with Reflectance correctly?

It's a bit complicated to calculate reflectance correctly because there's always differences in the rendering equations. So at least, there's an approximation.
There's definitely going some research into that, I assume a sample-based lookup table might give nice results. :)

Will see how it works out.

2020-09-01, 16:18:37
Reply #137


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Great to hear. Any converter is better than none and a good converter is an invaluable help.
I converted plant materials the other day, from the content browser. They were in this silly MAXON PBR material format where everything is crammed into reflectance (diffuse, bump, reflections ...) and the Corona material converter failed to take them apart and re-assemble them into a Corona material.
Would be great to have a solution for such cases, too.

2020-09-02, 17:06:42
Reply #138


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@Cinemike Yeah, I stopped trying to use the Convert Scene button. It's easier to create a Corona material and copy the assets from the C4D version. The converter is completely useless. Why even put the damn button in there at all? There are many other "features" that still don't work. How many years with this go on?

2020-09-14, 12:12:44
Reply #139


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This plugin sounds amazing, but I can't get it to work in R23.

Is  this correct, drag the content to ../plugins/ folder and start C4D?
Where should I se it?

2020-09-14, 12:16:55
Reply #140


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This plugin sounds amazing, but I can't get it to work in R23.

Is  this correct, drag the content to ../plugins/ folder and start C4D?
Where should I se it?

There's no plugin for R20+ available yet.

2020-09-29, 12:06:48
Reply #141


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that's nice to hear! if there could also be a function to convert (back) to standard c4d material that would be even more awesome. I know U render has that option.

2020-09-29, 16:41:25
Reply #142


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Corona was supposed to also convert Vray materials as well. That was before Chaos bought them. They are similar in nature, but nothing for that option either.

2021-03-25, 08:45:21
Reply #143


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In order to convert vrayforc4d scene and materials into corona renderer you need to have vrayforc4d installed.
Plugin is working ok but you need to adjust shaders manually as they are not the same render engine.
You can also use Corona renderer native converter. Not sure if corona renderer converter or plugin is better though because both do the
same but I think plugin has better options for more experienced users like myself. For example you can only convert selected material
in plugin options and you donĀ“t have to convert all materials at once but only those you need to have for rendering.

I call conversion between render engines "hands on the pocket" conversions because these are
not all very handy and not 100% conversion.

2021-04-01, 17:01:32
Reply #144


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@kraphik3d Good to hear, but I guess it only makes sense if you are switching from Vray to Corona and already have assets to convert. I was hoping to be able to find Vray materials and convert them to Corona. Not the end of the world. Thanks for the info.

2021-04-21, 12:55:08
Reply #145


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Typically in customer production there is some use for scene converter when converting some furniture models with
basic c4d materials into corona shaders.

Sometimes it is useful when I have purchased some assets from Evermotion which are in vray format.
First one is converted with built in converter without any manual work and second is converted with scene converter plugin with some manual work.

Last one is original vrayforc4d version.

Of course conversion is not straightforward and you have to remake some materials.

« Last Edit: 2021-04-21, 12:59:43 by kraphik3d »

2024-01-17, 11:50:41
Reply #146


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Hi, does anyone know if there are any plugins to convert Vray scenes to corona in cinema R25?

2024-01-17, 15:46:25
Reply #147


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Currently we are working on a better scene converter to bridge this gap. But currently, you might be able to use the following plugins: VRay to C4D then C4D to Corona using our scene converter.
Bengamin Jerrems:
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