Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions
Corona Randomizer
Ok, thanks for the explanation guys.
I wanted to run it instead of following the instructions and create a new toolbar as I found sometimes it's impossible to remove the toolbar for some reason. It depends on the script you install but I remember some of them I've created a toolbar for refused to go away once I decided I didn't need them anymore and deleted their toolbar. Eventhough I do Customize User Interface > Toolbars, select the given toolbar and hit 'Delete', next time I run 3ds Max, it's here again.
So I will wait and see if James realeases a version with the ability to choose between MappingRandomizer only or combo MappingRandomizer + Triplanar and I'll install that one, that'd be awesome :)
James Vella:
--- Quote from: Tom on 2023-11-17, 10:28:07 ---I wanted to run it instead of following the instructions and create a new toolbar
--- End quote ---
If you want to run it without installing remove the macroscript block (this applies for any .ms file):
--- Quote from: Tom on 2023-11-17, 10:28:07 ---So I will wait and see if James realeases a version with the ability to choose between MappingRandomizer only or combo MappingRandomizer + Triplanar and I'll install that one, that'd be awesome :)
--- End quote ---
Can you show me a screenshot of your materials where you have this setup? For example does every output of the randomizer have its own triplanar or do all outputs go into the triplanar?
I assume you want something like this?
Thanks James.
Yes, you're totally right: this is the setup I'm using.
James Vella:
Ok updated to include both Mapping Randomizer and Triplanar. Let me know if you encounter bugs/issues.
Script attached to this post.
Version 2.0 Features:
- UI With 3 buttons, Either Mapping, Triplanar or Both.
- Include basic instructions and help contact link (just use the forums if you found the script here to contact me otherwise).
- When using "Randomizer + Triplanar" the Triplanar will be last in the chain: Diffuse -> MappingRandomizer -> Triplanar etc.
- If you already have version 1 installed, just drop this .ms file into your viewport and your current button will update automatically to Version 2.0
- Save your scene before you run the script!
- Multiple undo's tend to crash 3dsmax, will investigate if its my error or Autodesk thing.
Randomizer + Triplanar:
Wow, this looks awesome! Can't wait till i have some time to test it in action. Thank you James very much! I don't want to diminish Corona team's effort, but this little script looks more valuable to me than entire Corona power tools script set.
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