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Messages - romullus

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 597
Maybe try to tick show incompatible checkbox? Controllers are visible for me in 3ds Max 2024 Corona 12, but i recall that in some older Corona version some maps were incorrectly labeled as incompatible.

You need to create controllers and tiling or UVW scale parameters of bitmap node. Just keep in mind that in case of bitmap you can use either linear, or bezier float, but for Corona bitmap you must use bezier point3 controller.

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona mix vs composite
« on: 2024-09-17, 20:49:00 »
There are some difference between them, like for example composite lets you use unlimited number of map, while with Corona mix you'd need to use nesting if you need more than 2 maps. On the other hand Corona mix lets you choose between linear and sRGB mixing and it also has some additional layer controls. But for general purpose they are interchangeable, you can use one or another depending on your personal preference.

If for some reason you don't want or can't use simple exposure, then you can adjust ISO to have shutter speed where you need it.

You're welcome!


You can enable render hidden geometry in render setup>common tab.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona 12 crashes on IR rendering
« on: 2024-09-15, 19:49:54 »
The most effective way would be to open support ticket at Chaos portal and attach the offending scene, so that support team could investigate if the crash is caused by Corona, or by something else.

Gallery / Re: interior
« on: 2024-09-15, 19:46:37 »
I wonder what makes people to try to hide the fact of AI usage in their work? IMO if you're listing the tools used in creation of your work, then you shouldn't "forget" AI enhancements too.

Gallery / Re: exterior lighting
« on: 2024-09-15, 19:39:56 »

This is Corona renderer forum. People who are visiting the gallery are expecting to see images rendered with Corona and not generated with AI. While some AI enhancement is ok, however fully generated, or re-generated images should be posted to other resources. In case the image originally was rendered with Corona and then through img2img process re-generated, then please attach source image to your first post to stay true to the gallery rules. The same applies for your other gallery entry.

What resolution you are rendering to?

You can run Corona benchmark on your pc and compare its results with others with the same specs to see if there's anything wrong with your computer.

I can instantly decrease your estimated render time by 60 times - if you'd look closely, it's actually 46 minutes, not hours ;] I don't see anything out of ordinary in your scene stats. If it fits into available RAM, then you have nothing to worry about.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona displacement mod
« on: 2024-09-10, 23:22:51 »
What is your displacement settings? Try to increase screen pixel (or world unit) size - it could be that you're forcing Corona to process more triangles than it can handle.

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