I would say something like this:
Imagine that you have some object, and you cut it in half. Then observe what is going on at the surface and inside.
-translucency: when you cut it in half, you see a very thin "skin" or "layer" on top, a portion of light bouncess off the surface and hits camera, but also a portion of light passes through that layer, and then scatters in some media inside. Examples: grapes, skin, paper (thick)
-opacity: imagine that you form a ball out of smoke, and then cut it in half - this is uniform, and does not have any kind of surface, close to the edges opacity goes from X to 0 so it has soft borders. Examples: smoke, clouds, ghost (though I am not sure if ghosts don't refract light!).
-refraction: unlike smoke, this object refracts light, when you cut it, you see that object has no separate surface, it is solid and has the same characteristics at every point, on top and inside. Examples: murky water, wax, juice
At least this is how I see it.