Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

reflection coloring PARTICLE SHADER with Corona.


Digital Esthetics:
Hi. I have a problem with the Chaos Phoenix particle shader. I'm trying to override the reflection so I have a color soap tone to it. (see Bubble reference below)
but doing this doesn't change anything. I know this works using Vray. and I don't understand how I will create this in any other way. (see setup bubble tex)
also see how it comes out now (particle shader fail)
please advice.

I was testing something else with Phoenix foam today, so I decided to give it a go. Here is what I was able to get. Please take a look at the particle shader settings.

Digital Esthetics:
Ooooh thank you! that looks amazing! and I tested it and it works good. PROJECT SAVED!


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