Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!

help organizing shader


How do you deal with this setup (see attached)
you have a normal map using triplanar and possibly uvwrandomizer... and you want to add a texture on Additional bump slot; but this texture, has another uvwrandomizer and triplanar settings.
Could you guys explain me the correct setup?
In vray, for example I use VrayBumpMaterial for this scenario, I can control individually the textures.

I don't think you'd get the expected results when plugging the additional bump texture into a tri-planar then into the normal component's additional bump input, then into another tri-planar component downstream of all of that.

Can you eliminate the first tri-planar component and go directly from the Mapping Randomizer into the additional bump input?

I understand that...  the problem is that the texture i'm feeding on the addiontal bump slot has a different size than the texture on the normal map.  My "allways" solution is to modify de uv tile of the texture to be multiplied by the triplanar size... but want to know if there is a better setup.


--- Quote from: leo_surrealismo on 2023-12-01, 18:59:45 ---I understand that...  the problem is that the texture i'm feeding on the addiontal bump slot has a different size than the texture on the normal map.  My "allways" solution is to modify de uv tile of the texture to be multiplied by the triplanar size... but want to know if there is a better setup.

--- End quote ---

That's how I would do it. Adjust the size of the Corona Bitmap before plugging it into the MappingRandomizer, then go into the Additional Bump input. I always size my Bitmaps only and don't rely on Tri-planar to do it. If I want some variation, I'll set my MappingRandomizer to increase or decrease the scale a little.

Not sure if it fully answers your question, but please check the correct order of operations here:


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