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Lack realism/photorealism

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Nejc Kilar:
I'm really glad to hear you're making progress! It is looking better to me as well!

That said, if I may, I'd still look into adding sublime details (really tiny scratches and imperfections on things like the chrome feet of the chair etc.) and maybe toning down the intensity of some materials - like the paper holders etc etc.

It is really nice you go here, thank you for sharing your updates!

So I had a go at something similar also. Less prominent displacement from the bricks, more items scattered around the room as well as outside. Trying to give it a more ''lived in'' feel. I hope this may help :)

I think there might be a problem with materials albedo. I think your whites are too white (I try not to make white whiter than 210/255).
In real world almost no materials are brighter than 210 (lets consider that it is pure white snow, even white paper looks a bit gray on such a bright material). It dramatically changes how light scatters on the whole scene.
PS. same goes for blacks - usually I try not to go below 40/255, usually around 50/255) for blacks, unless it's Vantablack paint or something).

Hi, thanks to everyone for the advice. I created a second visualization, this time of a coffee table. I designed the table myself in SolidWorks and imported it directly into 3ds Max. Unfortunately, due to a lack of time, I haven't experimented with adding dirt to the textures yet, and the scene is still quite simple. I'm working with pre-made models as I don't have time to create everything from scratch. What do you think? In my opinion, the background is at an acceptable level, but the foreground, specifically the table (and the rug, which has already been changed), seems to completely ruin the realism. I feel that the table looks very artificial, and I'm not sure if I can improve it without remodeling it (the table and the cabinet in the background are real products currently in production). Now, I also realize that I would definitely add a subtle roughness to the black legs and change the color of the rug. I also have a question: is there a simple way to add furniture edges to my finished table? The table is made of particleboard, and the lack of edges makes it look like it's made of HDF or a solid piece of wood (I have edges added in SolidWorks, but in 3ds, it's just a piece of board). Thanks again for all the advice; I'll try everything when I have a bit more time to watch tutorials on what you've mentioned. So far, my skills are limited to what I've learned in SolidWorks, discovered on my own, and learned from short tutorials during my week working with 3ds and Corona.

I am also attaching the latest version of my desk visualization. I changed the colors a bit and slightly redesigned it in SolidWorks.

yes, google "particleboard edges texture", there're lots of images. Make a multilateral, assign one ID to wood and a second to edges. Then make UVW Map only for selected edges and fit it to your size. I can make a fast how-to video if you don't get it :)

Also. I'd experiment more with lights. The shadows are too plain, try to play with different angles and colors of the sun, it's not necessary to make it physically realistic, nobody will mock you if the low sun is not orange-ish :) Try adding some fake invisible lights to emphasize elements. Also, avoid pure white color on textures (RGB 255 255 255), limit it to RGB 210 210 210 max. then white objects will not pop out and get more shape.

The displacement on bricks is too high, try decreasing it 2-3 times.

Camera height is a game changer too, you set the camera at the eye level of a gnome, from this height almost no one will see these objects, so looking at these shots it seems as if something is wrong there. Try putting it on human eyes level, like 150-160cm, and if necessary - lower the camera target and apply "vertical tilt" on the camera, it will compensate perspective distortion.


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