Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions

CoronaProxy Lister

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It was pretty easy.

Zoa Path Editor + corona support (link to original script)
- CProxy support added
- CoronaBitmaps support added
- CoronaLight IES profile added


Jake Williams:
Thanks Nik, much appreciated!

Is there an update for this very very useful Script? It crashes when i use Railclone with Proxys :-(

thanks in advance


--- Quote from: Hubl on 2023-02-28, 17:01:57 ---Is there an update for this very very useful Script? It crashes when i use Railclone with Proxys :-(

thanks in advance

--- End quote ---

Fixed. The link is the same


--- Quote from: Nik on 2023-03-01, 11:58:48 ---
--- Quote from: Hubl on 2023-02-28, 17:01:57 ---Is there an update for this very very useful Script? It crashes when i use Railclone with Proxys :-(

thanks in advance

--- End quote ---

Fixed. The link is the same

--- End quote ---

Thanks alot! love the script!


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