Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions
Updated Image Composition Helper
Hey everyon, we recently updated the long used ImageCompHelper script from Christoph Bülter to include a bit more functionality.
Here's the page for the original script to give you a basic overview of what it does.
The major additions we've made are:
* Golden spiral now works in Portrait mode too, can be unlocked, zoomed and moved around.
* Toggle button to quickly switch between portrait and landscape.
* There are drop downs for different common aspect ratios.
Hope it's useful for you all!
[EDIT]: After installing and you want to find it in 3ds Max, it is under TheFactionCGI category.
--- Quote from: Dippndots on 2021-01-26, 13:10:33 ---Hey everyon, we recently updated the long used ImageCompHelper script from Christoph Bülter to include a bit more functionality.
Here's the page for the original script to give you a basic overview of what it does.
The major additions we've made are:
* Golden spiral now works in Portrait mode too, can be unlocked, zoomed and moved around.
* Toggle button to quickly switch between portrait and landscape.
* There are drop downs for different common aspect ratios.
Hope it's useful for you all!
[EDIT]: After installing and you want to find it in 3ds Max, it is under TheFactionCGI category.
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Guys, if there is any chance to make it work not only in the active viewport?
I really miss this option so that I can move the camera from another viewport, looking at the result with the grid.
--- Quote from: marchik on 2022-01-19, 10:46:22 ---Guys, if there is any chance to make it work not only in the active viewport?
I really miss this option so that I can move the camera from another viewport, looking at the result with the grid.
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Unfortunately not, we've not been able to figure out how to do this, or it's even possible. I would love to be able to do too, as I work the same way as you. Maybe someone out there knows, if you find a script that seems to be able to lock to one viewport, let me know and we'll see if we can transfer that sort of functionality.
Namik Pirkic:
Hi there!
Thanks a lot for the updated version! Really useful script. However, after some time (maybe a month or something like that), when I click on the script button it only gives me the curve over the screen with no actual UI opening, and I can not disable/hide the curve unless I restart the scene :(
Any clues about that?
Thanks a lot,
--- Quote from: Namik Pirkic on 2022-05-12, 09:08:10 ---Hi there!
Thanks a lot for the updated version! Really useful script. However, after some time (maybe a month or something like that), when I click on the script button it only gives me the curve over the screen with no actual UI opening, and I can not disable/hide the curve unless I restart the scene :(
Any clues about that?
Thanks a lot,
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Hey Namik, sorry to hear you're having issues. That sounds pretty strange though as I wouldn't expect it to work for a while and then stop. Maybe there is a chance the UI window for the script has moved off screen? In this location: \AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2022 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\ you can find the ini file for the script "imagecomphelper.ini", there is a line towards the top pos=[xxxx,yyyy] (x and y will be numbers) if you change the numbers it will change where the UI opens.
There is also an updated version of the script on our website that maybe worth trying:
Let me know if that fixes it.
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