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Topics - marcotag

Pages: [1]
[C4D] Daily Builds / IES asset export issue
« on: 2022-04-01, 10:48:56 »
Hi, when saving project with assets, if I have a corona light with IES data that is present in the asset library, the IES file exports in the  project folder with the correct filename, but the ies field of the corona light changes the pointing filename, resulting in missing file.
i.e. : correct filename 28VT35L49070LE.ies in corona light ies field, changed in file_5096ea1bcf0cc039~.ies after exporting

Any else reporting this issue?
Corona RC3, C4d R24, Mac Intel Mojave

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Spherical camera issue
« on: 2018-11-29, 18:57:04 »
Hi, in B2 when rendering a spherical camera for VR purposes, it results in pole pinching. In previous versions everything was fine. Someone has noticed it?

[C4D] General Discussion / Render instances+motion blur
« on: 2017-12-17, 22:05:34 »
Hi forum, I've experienced that when rendering duplicates as render instances checked on, and motion blur activated, if the duplicates are a instances of a grouped object corona messes them...Turning motion blur off everything is normal.
Bug or I miss something? Here attached a simple scene and a shot of what happens. Help appreciated, thanx

[C4D] General Discussion / Override materials
« on: 2017-11-30, 14:01:33 »
When doing clay renders, if I have an object with material assigned to a polygon selection in the final render the result is a grey material in the place of the main material of the object. In the attached image you see for example walls, floor and ceiling are a unic object with polygon selection for the floor, and a material is assigned to it. in the render, corona doesn't take in account the main material object and it renders in grey. Did you noticed something similar?

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