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Messages - Avi

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 39
Was the light source or its intensity in those frame too small or less for the bloom to be applied?

There's no bloom at all.
See attached files, where frames 74 and 76 have bloom applied, and frame 75 are completely empty.
This occurs randomly in each shot and each project. Random frames are completely black without any bloom applied. This can be seen by the size of the files.
If i re-render frames with missing bloom the same problem occurs once again on random frames. In the current state bloom and glare are completely useless in animations.

Can you start a ticket and send over your scene to investigate the issue?

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Color Correct Problem
« on: 2024-07-25, 11:33:08 »

I see you are using Corona 12 Release Candidate 1.
Have you tried with the official Corona 12 release?
I cannot reproduce this in slate, nor in compact material editor, with Corona 12.

I installed the official Corona 12 and it didn't fix it

Please start a ticket with us and send over your scene.

How is your scene lighting setup? This maybe a light transport issue. You can go through this article :

Also, Corona 12 is released, and it is the latest version. You can download it from here:

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona 12 VFB 2.0
« on: 2024-07-23, 17:29:24 »
Maybe your max is not corrupted but your scene. A user recently said that using Corona scene cleaner from Corona power tool helped with his rendering which he was struggling with before. Maybe you can try it too.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Quad Scripts reappear
« on: 2024-07-22, 16:07:01 »

This is now logged to be further reviewed by our devs.

(Report ID=CMAX-1198)


Can you explain this a bit more with a use case. You can also share some screenshots to explain.

Can you test with Corona 12 and can you share bloom and glare settings and how are the lights illuminating? is there a Corona light material or Corona Disc light? having you tried changing the bloom and glare threshold or increasing the intensity of your light?

We have this logged as feature request.

(Report ID=CMAX-190)

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona 12 VFB 2.0
« on: 2024-07-22, 09:43:00 »
so your scene is running out of available RAM on your system?

Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot:

Resetting the ENU folder has resolved similar issues for some users.
Follow this article to get help with resetting the ENU folder:

Try to reset your render settings to default from Corona Render Setup>Scene>general settings>reset settings

If the issue persists then try deleting your scene object by object and keep testing till you isolate the issue. it might be caused by corrupted geometry or hidden null objects.

Also try using Corona scene cleaner from Corona power tools and see if it helps.


it seems to be working for me.

Let me know if I am doing something wrong.

I am using Corona 12 with 3ds Max 2025

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Corona Light Wirecolor
« on: 2024-07-19, 13:39:31 »
We have logged this as a feature request in our system.

(Report ID=CMAX-1187)


I don't fully understand this request. Do you want triplaner to bypass or ignore the bitmap tiling?

Was the light source or its intensity in those frame too small or less for the bloom to be applied?

do you have any reference for what you would like to achieve?

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