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Messages - masterzone

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Please guys....solve the Bloom and Glare stopping during the final VFB totally drive me crazy...Am I the only one this happens to?
Latest release on macOS...

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Cosmos Browser need a Quality control
« on: 2024-09-25, 11:29:09 »
For the second time the Cosmos need to be updated...ok, hit to update...prompted to insert my system password (MacOS) and nothing, the cosmos still updating...
The only thingI can do is to manually start the App on the desktop...otherwise the installation will be broken...

A total disaster...

thanks...anyway this issue is very annoying, I continue to have the B&G turned off randomly...on final render too...:(

it happen me too on macOS some weeks ago. When you will prompted to update the Cosmos, you can find on the desktop the DMG mounted, you have to manually double click on it and start the installer.

Maybe due to a bug of the latest release of the cosmos the installer doesnt automatically start but the background daemon is stopped so you are not able to use cosmos.

Let me know

I'm using Corona 11 HF 1
I'm using the new VFB (usually without special personalized settings on the corona engine)

We continue to have the bloom and glare turned off each time I start the final render or interactive rendering.

A question for you: what kind of platform are you using for test it? Mac or Win? because I think is MacOS related....

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Cosmos app...a total disaster
« on: 2024-08-14, 10:27:02 »
After installing Corona 12, the Cosmos browser prompted me for an update. I downloaded it, started the installer, and then everything turned into a nightmare... for the third time.

I spent over an hour trying to figure out what went wrong, and eventually discovered a mounted DMG file (OSX) on my desktop. Strange—why was that there? After further investigation, I realized that the installer never actually launched after the download. It seems Cosmos stopped the background daemon but failed to proceed with the installation.

I had to manually open the installer, and once I did, the installation completed successfully. Now Cosmos is running smoothly.

How is it possible that a company like Chaos could create such a poorly functioning app like Cosmos? Unbelievable...


[C4D] I need help! / Re: Parsing...
« on: 2024-08-05, 10:03:21 »
I tried on many scenes to find what element is refreshing the VFB during IR...but nothing...some shaders? light parameters? nothing...
When I working on some clay render all is ok, I can change white balance or exposition value without refresh, but when I start the texting there are some elements that make the IR to refresh...displacement? I don't know...
I will try to take a look more deeply....

Hello @masterzone,
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Could you please try using the latest official release (Chaos Corona 12) and see if the issue persists?
I'm still trying to reproduce the issue (no luck so far)
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Unfortunately this issue still there on Corona 12 as well, right now I started a final render preview and the Bloom and Glare affects has turned off :(

I updated to Corona 12 a couple of days ago...I will look into it if the problem persist on this release during a next jobs I'm doing now.
we'll catch up later

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Parsing...
« on: 2024-07-24, 14:59:25 »
- modifying the region size and position when it's in use

This doesn't happen on all scenes but is based on some special materials or something else. Sometimes I can change camera tag value without see the IR refreshed. Same for the render region, on some scenes the VFB doesn't refresh...

- changing a light intensity and its position and direction ?

I think here is more difficult to avoid the refreshing, you are talking to store into the memory the light intensity and its position, but the light intensity move its radius based on inverse square area, so if you level up the light, more distance is covered so you need to render again the GI and calculation...
The position of the light is more complicated due to the same must refresh the rendering due to a different distance of the light from surfaces...


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Camera Object Size
« on: 2024-07-18, 10:21:18 »
You continue to have a wrong scale. Try to create a C4D cube usually 200cm each side and take a look to it...ti will become more large than whole architecture..

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: cinema4D or Corona render?
« on: 2024-07-16, 15:38:26 »
Thanks for your tips...yes is the same issue...but I remember that wasn't happen on previously C4D release...or not? 🧐

[C4D] General Discussion / cinema4D or Corona render?
« on: 2024-07-16, 11:40:00 »

It has been happening for a while now that every time I change the viewport window (F4, F2, etc.), all textures are refreshed in the perspective window. This action takes a very long time in some circumstances, and this issue is unbearable for me right now.

I think it is not related to Corona Render but is related to Cinema4D. Has anyone looked into it?

I have to hit "Materials Off" in the viewport menu of the perspective window every time to avoid this issue.


[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: The new VFB: icons
« on: 2024-07-11, 09:10:24 »
Disappointed with the new VFB. Many not necessary changes... Only good thing is the extra LightMixes.
And I often get this HAND cursor in the VFB (I don't really know what triggers this and the arrow pointer turns to a hand-punch looking cursor) but it is totally annoying..

Maybe developers will take a look into it and they will polish it... but believe me, if they used the C4D internal GUI to create a graphic UX maybe they need loooong holidays . Create an UX with Cinema4D SDK is a total pain. We develop plugins for C4D and every time we need to work with the SDK for change some UX elements, we need some medicines 😂

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: The new VFB: icons
« on: 2024-07-11, 09:05:59 »
Not a big fan of the design either. It looks like a programmer (no offense) and not a designer did this. In fact Corona is slowly moving away from the straightforward design render engine, and I find it confusing as to why. Every version seems to feel slower and more bloated. As UE5 becomes used more and more in my world of commercial animation and rendering, I hope speed and ease of use would still be top of mind.

Totally disagree. You can't compare UE5 engine and Corona Render. Either rendering engines are for different purposes. I tried to make some animations with UE5 using Lumen and PT technology inside, but UE5 quality is a step away backward from Corona Render quality. If you watch youtube UE5 tech demo you can see every time forest, videogame with lot of props, but...did you try to render a simple object with UE5 and Lumen? it's a total disaster. Totally fake. You need to fill tour scene with objects, amazing textures, dirty surfaces and more, only for to get a photo-realistic render. But with minimalist scene where you can see how the light works you can see how Lumen is a total fake.

Please don't compare UE with Corona Render, it's a stupid way to understand how rendering engine works

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