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Messages - michaltimko

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Same issue , it happens all the time for me in various scenes when rendering high resolution images (5-10k) , stopping normal rendering and starting IR. Whole max will freeze, eat all the ram and hangs whole PC. 

Just curious - anything changed between RC1 VFB and previous daily ? On 3990WX, VFB was always laggy/unresponsive, especially when zooming in, moving around the image at higher resolutions etc.

VFB 2.0 (previous daily) solved that for me, it was super snappy and responsive. Installed RC1 yesterday and VFB feels thesame like always did. Zooming in or out takes sometime 2-4s. Panning inside the image at 100% zoom is laggy and whole max freezes.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: New VFB Skin and functionality
« on: 2024-03-07, 12:55:44 »
I always set IR it to force PT and set some pass limit like 5-7 (depends on the scne). That way you are lag free when it comes to mat editor or max ui. Another option is to use IR in the viewport. Not sure if its just for me but its way more snappy than having it in separate VFB window.

glad im not the only one - ive even spent thousands on updated hardware thinking it would fix the problem.  Its literally been like this since i started using max over 10 years ago.  In fact, i think its gotten a little worse.
@CoronaDevs - i think this needs to be looked at for sure.

For me, this biggest time waster over the years is the UI (material editor) - i know its not a corona thing (or it could have an impact?) - however the material editor, becomes slow and sluggish, mainly in heavier scenes (not really that heavy, fairly detailed interior scenes.  2-3 seconds for things to open.... and i do have the most of the latest hardware/software.... again, not sure if this is solely a autodesk thing or a combination between autodesk and corona materials, however its just so sloowwww and it kills my patience... it sometimes feels like im using a intel pentium from the early 2000's..... its 2024, UI, all of them, should be zipppy and we shouldnt be held back by such nuances.

I get that too: the material editor becomes really so slow sometimes, especially when IPR is running, up to the point that I have to stop the IPR, only then I'm able to tweak my materials in the SME, and only then I start the IPR again to see the results. This isn't how things should be: ideally I wouldn't have to stop the IPR in order to be able to tweak the materials, but if I don't the SME UI is just sooooo slow, it's unbearable.

Hi team

i got this error on new daily

Had the same error ommediately after installing the 29th daily. So then i installed the previous one and then installed again the latest and the message gone, but the scatter toolbar buttons are gone too.

Same error regarding permissions , scatter icons are gone as well and relink bitmaps script now doesnt work until i run 3ds max as administrator.

When volume effect is enabled inside of CoronaSky, clouds are being cut with straight line. Is that considered as bug ? I dont think its a feature, looks very unnatural.
Volume effect and clouds are currently not supported together.

We have it logged, but don't have any ETA on when it might be fixed.



(Internal ID=959673718)

Thanks for letting me know. I do lot of exteriors lately with land mass visible at the distance so i use this feature A LOT. Hopefully it`ll be fixed soon. I`ll keep photoshopping for now.

When volume effect is enabled inside of CoronaSky, clouds are being cut with straight line. Is that considered as bug ? I dont think its a feature, looks very unnatural.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: New Corona Lister Feedback
« on: 2023-05-18, 18:13:03 »
I was about to write some feedback after trying new lister but I will just second this post instead.
I agree with every single point. Lister is heading in good direction, but in case of proxies, I cannot see using it instead of Corona Proxy Lister plugin, all the funcionalities mentioned above are a must for new lister to become user friendly.

Also changing previz type on old lister was quite easy, with one click from none to point cloud etc. Now i have to manually use dropdown menu on 50 scatters separately. Not sure if that was an issue in old scatter list but if there is something already selected in the scene, clicking on "sel" button wont deselect that object automatically to open scatter settings. I have to deselect first and then click on "sel" again.

I like new proxy lister, its snappy and fast but for managing huge amount of proxies, id love to see some features from 3rd party script (CoronaProxyLister) but not sure if its possible to implement them this way.

- manually selecting proxy file in the scene which is instanced and part of the "instance group" is not highlighted in new proxy lister. So basically selecting any proxy which is instanced = you cant find highlighted in proxy lister.

- would be possible to add toggle to disable grouping of instanced proxies ? I basically have no idea where to look for specific files becase all i see are just groups (filename visible but important is how is file named in the scene) >

- I would love to see ability to use shift and ctrl while making selection instead of clicking on "sel" button. Selecting 150 unique proxies which are randomly spread in the scene by clicking "sel"  button is very time consuming. It would take 5s to just hold shift and select first and last >

- I also miss ability to change properties of group of proxies which are not instanced. For example, i have 200 unique proxy files in scene but i want to quickly select them, change previz type from wire box to point cloud. In CoronaProxyLister i can do it quickly by selecting said proxies in the scene and with click of one button change previz type for all of them >

Volume effect affecting corona sky or HDRi (if CoronaSky is present in CoronaSelect slot with HDRi)



This is reported on the forums already

We have it logged.



(Internal ID=955187094)

Thanks for info. I dont mind having option to use volume effect with hdri, whats causing issues is that sky is being cut above the horizon. HDRi too.

Volume effect affecting corona sky or HDRi (if CoronaSky is present in CoronaSelect slot with HDRi)



Anyone experiencing crash during IR while moving objects in the scene ? Its probably related to ChaosScatter when exclude spline is used. Im trying to replicate it in empty scene now. Every project is randomly crashing if i change scatter settings or move objects. Everything will disappear from IR except sky and max will crash.

Another weird thing - clouds being "cut" in distance so they dont continue behind the horizon. I found its caused by volume effect. When turned off, its okay. It affects also hdr if there is sky in CoronaSelect slot.

Not sure if someone mentioned this here but latest converter literally wipes out bitmaps in some conversion and converts vray materials as metal, probably ignoring refl.
Used it in one of my commercial scenes and it converted everything into PhysicalMat and messed up 90% of materials in the scene. Absolute mess.

I'm afraid this is a hazard of the daily builds...

We always recommend backing up your scenes before using them in a daily build.

No problems, im using daily builds on daily basis , this is first time my scene got screwed but thats purely my fault. And unfortunately i cant send it to you, its big real estate project and max file only is 8gb.

Would you be able to send over one of your scenes so we can use it for testing further fixes for the converter?



Not sure if someone mentioned this here but latest converter literally wipes out bitmaps in some conversion and converts vray materials as metal, probably ignoring refl.
Used it in one of my commercial scenes and it converted everything into PhysicalMat and messed up 90% of materials in the scene. Absolute mess.

(This... ? )

Yup, i gave him mobo, cpu and cooler for a bit cheaper than i listed + another 2 guys wrote me that thay want to buy it. Its probably easier to sell it as "kit" with mobo and cooler. Its more attractive for buyers i guess.
I need another kit to another machine

If you need another kit, get the one with 32GB modules. Not only it gives you option to run 256 GB in future (who knows... always good to have such option), but it's more stable than 16GB modules on Zen at same capacity (4x32 is much better than 8x16).
They also cost the same pretty much right now. And the 3200/CL16 kits run straight with XMP, I have such on 3950X and it worked without any sweat.

Thanks for valuable info, much appreciated.

I need another kit to another machine so i was considering something cheaper so im not paying double the price for 3000+.

I was probably lucky but sold 2990wx with board and cooler yesterday but indeed, its going to be hard in upcoming months.

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