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Messages - DiogoM3D

Pages: [1]
[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2022-01-09, 06:01:02 »
I've been working with Corona for like 3 years, almost with advertising projects, for 90% of the projects Corona handle all the things I need to do, but and sometimes I need to use other renders because there is some things that are lacking in Corona. SO I would suggest these features:

1 - ACES color management support: more than one time a client would ask me to bright up some area, and the color just don't work as good as ACES work, there is one time that a client wanted a bright light in a red ground that was supposed to turn orange with a stronger light, but it just clipped the reds, we ended up doing this light in PS. Vray, Redshift, Arnold and other renderers already have it, it's the new standard.

2 - Tyflow support:  I make a lot of animations using tyFlow it lately, but sometimes I need to switch to redshift or Vray to use motion blur in particles with changing geometry and other stuff that are not supported in Corona.

3 - More control over rendering volumes: Was doing some smoke and fire sims for a client and could not get great control rendering the volumes, had to use V-Ray instead that had a lot more options.

For me this is the top 3, there is other stuff that I would suggest too like cryptomatte support, dome light to have the possibility to exclude the HDR for an object, or just apply it to one object only, better OSL support......

Thank you!

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