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Topics - davetwo

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Hi - I have an ongoing problem where my images are looking washed-out compared to the C4D picture viewer. (And crucially, my expectations). I had initially thought that this may be a gamma issue when using linear colour space. But I haven't found a solution to output the images 'correctly'.

There's a screengrab attached of what I mean - any ideas??


[C4D] General Discussion / Are caustics working?
« on: 2017-10-05, 16:27:05 »
Is this implemented yet? I'm trying in the latest build but it's not working.
The Caustic box is ticked in refraction but the shadow looks solid. have tried adjusting various light types and IOR values but no success.

Hi, I'm pretty new to this and would like to use the most commonly accepted method.

If i'm lighting scene with a corona sky and sun it is extremely bright by default.

Is it best do adjust the intensity directly and leave Exposure at the deafult of 0. Or it it best to leave the sun/sky intensity at 1 and compensate by adjusting the exposure in the VFB settings?


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