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Messages - davetwo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
[C4D] I need help! / Re: OSl flakes in C4D corona??
« on: 2024-09-17, 23:31:14 »
Yeah - shame. I'd love this to work in cinema

[C4D] I need help! / Re: OSl flakes in C4D corona??
« on: 2024-09-12, 16:31:20 »
I'll assume its not supported then :)

[C4D] I need help! / OSl flakes in C4D corona??
« on: 2024-09-10, 15:23:02 »
Hi - I've been trying to load a OSL shader into the normal slot to make a carpaint flakes type shader....With absolutely no succeess.
Are OSL shaders supported in the c4d version? If so what is the method? I can't find much in the doce...


I guess many are automatically converted from V-ray. But its pretty shoddy IMHO. It wouldn't take that long to check them properly for the Corona versions.

Many less experienced users will leave them as default. Or even use them as 'official' examples of how they should build their own materials. Both are poor outcomes.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Cinema 4D + Redshift
« on: 2024-09-10, 12:58:16 »
Has anyone been able to test the latest version of Cinema 4D 2025 with the forced Redshift? Does Corona work well with this version?

By the way, very unfriendly of MAXON to force a function on their users, which not everyone uses but for which they charge extra. I already pay for a rendering plugin (Corona) that suits my needs much better than Redshift, and therefore I will not use it. Give us the choice, just like before, to pay for Redshift or not.

I find this pretty silly TBH. Every single DCC has a built in render engine. That Redshift was NOT the default seeme more unfriendly to me seeing that their leagacy Physical render was so far out of date.

Theres no reason that Corona will be effected beyond the fact that all new releases require a hotfix usually.

Dont want to confuse 'matters - but in C4D there is a dropdown to change the preview resolution in the material dialogue.
This makes it nice and sharp in the viewport.
Perhaps this is a shortcoming of max rather than corona?

Just tried turning the adaptive loght solver off - and it has indeed got rid of those  block artefacts!
Thanks Bengamin for the speedy reply - I though I'd seen a similar problem, but couldn't find it on the forum.

[C4D] I need help! / Help! Blocky artefacts from sunlight
« on: 2024-07-30, 12:56:37 »
I have a scene wih a directional sunlight (physical sun) on a wall. For some reasoin it is causing square artefacts on the wall (see pic).

I have tried changing the wall geo/phong/materials. Plus changing to solver to 4k/path tracing. Plus copying everything into a new file.  Nothing seems to help.

Any ideas?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Camera Object Size
« on: 2024-07-19, 09:28:02 »
So Dave, (doll-house? really?)

We are trying to help but you don't seem to be listening. Yes looking at your file the house seems to be about 30cm high - so pretty good scale for a dollshouse!

I did mis-remember the location of the Scene scale dialogue though. it's: edit>configure>scene scale  not file>configure>scene scale

I professionally import from CAD as part of my workflow FYI. Cinema has a pretty decent tools for this

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Camera Object Size
« on: 2024-07-17, 10:02:40 »
Not a corona issue. Your scene scale is off.
The camera should be roughly proportional to real life, so it looks like the scale of your house is in mm not m. (Unless its supposed to be a dollshouse?
 file>configure>scene scale is where to change it in cinemas menu

Ha! Oh yeah - amazing how blind you become when something moves a couple of centimetres unexpectedly

Have I missed something?  My toolbar doesnt seem to have the pass dropdown to switch between beauty/alpha/id etc. Legiblity and usability is better in the old VFB I'm sad to say.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Layers compositing problem
« on: 2024-06-20, 10:53:05 »
Caveat - I'm not an expert in compositing - but there are things I would do differently.
1. Dont export direct to PNG. Make your comp in PS and export the PNGs from there...'
2. If time is not an issue just render the whole image and (not render selected), then use multipass masks to make selections of what you need.
3. if you absolutely must render directly with an alpha, try checking the 'straight alpha' box. that should give you less halo

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Lightmix COLOR SPACE
« on: 2024-06-10, 12:32:32 »
I believe that linear is the correct space for compositing passes like lightmix.
I would generally use the corona image editor for creating new versions - but I'm a stills guy. Photoshop has some shortcomings working with exr/32 bit files and its best to edit elsewhere.
If animating you'd be better off in nuke or AE which can edit the .exr pass layers in linear - and output srgb or whatever at the final stage.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Reverse Material Convertion
« on: 2024-05-13, 08:41:06 »
True - but I don't think this would fall under Coronas remit TBH.
It's the sort of thing that someone writes a script for and releases for €5 on gumroad. It may well already exist in that format or (a personal script written by an active user that they would share out of pure kindness:) )

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