Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!

Corona Shadow Catcher for interior

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I'm working on an interior scene: I have to add some furniture on an photograph of a palace room.
So the plan was to model just the furniture and use Corona Shadow Catcher to project the shadows on the photograph.

I built the room and applied the Shadow Catcher material used as backplate, added a Sky and a Sun, but the geometry of the room doesn't affect the shadows.
I supposed that if a material has SC material doesnt' project shadows, so I tried to duplicate the room and add a compositing but the situation doesn't change.

How can i fix it?

There is other ways to render just the furniture and the shadows?
I read that shadows channel just let you lighten the shadows.


Did you find a way to do it? If so, please share.
Not sure if there is a “right” way to do it, but I also roughly build the room and apply SC mat.
For lighting I use, basically the extreme old skool way of lighting a room - area light in front of windows. Corona lights with SC illuminator ticked on.
Agreed, that can’t be the right way, but it kinda works if you have highly diffused light.
Would be cool if the corona team can offer some help.

Hi Jojorender,

I asked to the Corona Help Center.
They fixed my file applying SC material to floor and walls and removing it from the ceiling so it can ben considered for GI.
The problem, I think, is that there is no way to avoid overall lighting/shadowing to an entire with shadows.

Attached their test image.

I think the only way is to render the furniture without using SC and then mask them with mask ID in photoshop, and manually add shadows and reflections on the floor.
But I don't know if there is a way to export just shadows and reflections ready to use.

I thought to render the room in white and put it in multiply but, again, there will be an overall shadowing on the entire floor!



--- Quote from: edoardo_explorer on 2024-05-17, 07:51:56 ---… render the furniture without using SC and then mask them with mask ID in photoshop, and manually add shadows and reflections on the floor.
But I don't know if there is a way to export just shadows and reflections ready to use.

--- End quote ---
What a nightmare. Can you imagine any revisions and then constantly photoshopping previews…NO, THANK YOU!
I tried shadow multipass, but I can’t get anything useful.

So they used sun and sky to light this scene? Is the red circled part a shadow from the new chair or already in the original image?
What are all these ghosty layers green circled? If this is what they got out of the VFB, it still needs a ton of photoshop.

While exterior shadow catch works OK, the interior part….well, could be better.
Virtual staging is pretty big in the nyc real estate market and you see a few good examples but a lot more horrible, generic light images that should not exists.
I guess most virtual stagers don’t use corona or found some workarounds.

Yes, they used sun and sky I put in the scene to simulate the real light coming through the windows in the photo.

The red circled part is shadow from the new armchair (because floor and walls are SC, only the ceiling is an object without SC) and the green circled are areas where the new shadows from the ceiling ovelaps the existing shadows of the photo.

So basically shadows of the room are doubled. But this time shadows of the ceiling only.

I really don't know how virtual stagers can do it easily!
A way could be use a 360° hdri of the space, give the SC to the entire model, so the room should not be affected by the light and the armchair is light correctly.

But if you don't have a 360° I don't know if it's possible


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