« on: 2024-10-11, 23:39:43 »
This happened to my once, but that scene wasn't important so I recreated it. You already tried one trick of mine, so I'll suggest another. I would also send the Devs the crash report if there is one.
Now in the old days when you had a System Extension causing a crash, the easiest way I knew to narrow it down was to remove half of the extensions or in this case, half of the objects in your scene. Just delete half and hit render. If it still crashes, then the cause may still be an object in your scene. Delete half of the remaining objects and see if it crashes. Keep doing this until it renders. That means the offending object was in the half you just deleted. Hit undo until that objects come back and inspect carefully or delete the OTHER half, and then again half of the remaining. Repeat. You might find something.
One time for me, it was a single point on a mesh that somehow was a few thousand units off to the side. So stretched out I couldn't even see the polygon. After I realized that and deleted that single vertex, boom. Rendered just fine. It's like it was out of bounds or something. Select of your meshes in Point Mode and select all to select all the points in your scene. Zoom out to look for any points that a very far out.
If the half method doesn't work with objects, could be a material that is doing something odd. You mentioned memory, but you didn't mention how much your system has.
A final point would be is there is no reason for you to be using v8 of Corona Render. Why? Generally speaking, it has become more stable as time has gone by. I know on my Mac system, the Interactive Renderer was unstable and I would stay away from it. The Interactive Viewport was even worse. Now, I can mostly use them both and pretty decent almost real-time rendering. I'm sure if I install v8, it will crash a lot.