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Messages - Anestis

Pages: [1] 2
hey, glad you liked it and yeap, its a tribute to Wes Anderson :D
Regarding your question, well I'm not a C4D user but I know you can get great results by using either Sun/Physical sky or HDRIs.
The new cloud mechanics are awesome and you can get great results and have the option to art direct your image.
My advice is try to keep it simple, add one light at the time and use a real life photography approach (camera lenses, image composition, preferable light direction etc) also a try to gather as many photographic references as you can and have them open the whole time. A great and free software you could use to manage the references is Pureref.

Hey people,
I have some time between projects and I decided to have some fun with it so I made this little homage to one of my favorite movie makers.
3ds max 23, Corona 10 (loving the decals) and Photoshop.
Cheers :D

Work in Progress/Tests / Shelter [wip]
« on: 2023-06-02, 01:30:58 »
Hey forum,
so this is something that I've been experimenting with on my free time.
I felt like creating something that merge the typical calmness and luxury that we are usually asked to portray with a tense atmosphere and setting.


General CG Discussion / Re: [Useful Scripts\Tools]
« on: 2022-02-09, 14:10:41 »
Hey guys,
found these open source  free scripts that I'm using more and more, especially the live overscan one.
I love how I can decide on which part of the image I wanna add more space.
Hope you find them useful

Gallery / Proper Social Distancing
« on: 2021-01-02, 17:07:15 »
Hey artists,
This is something I've been working on and off in between projects for a couple of months now.
I've always found fog and mist fascinating and very cinematic, so I might have gone a bit overboard, but I quite like it.
Wishes for a great new year,

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: My fortress of solitude
« on: 2020-10-17, 13:20:50 »
Progress on the exterior shot. I'm starting to really like the mood.

Work in Progress/Tests / My fortress of solitude
« on: 2020-10-10, 23:51:23 »
Hey guys,
this is something that I've been working on my free time,you know, just to take my mind off of all the craziness around us and i love how it kinda takes shape on its own.
Any thoughts?

Gallery / Re: Hotel in Mykonos
« on: 2020-07-07, 21:51:11 »
wow, thanks a lot!
Glad you liked it!

Gallery / Hotel in Mykonos
« on: 2020-07-04, 20:32:20 »
Heyo artists,
here are some commercial renders that I did for a hotel in Mykonos.
I tried to differentiate from the typical island mood but still keep the relaxed atmosphere.
Caustics, corona scatter, coronamultimap&coronauvwrandomizer were used liberally!
Hope you like it.

Gallery / Re: Mediterranean House
« on: 2020-02-16, 11:42:47 »

Gallery / Mediterranean House
« on: 2020-02-16, 01:26:55 »
Hey guys, I just finished a project for Mykonos and I really loved the mood so I wanted to recreate something warm that gives those aegean vibes.
Plus, I didn't have the opportunity to play around with the caustics so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Edit : I switched the attachments with the newest itterations!

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Icelandic Scene
« on: 2019-11-28, 18:38:45 »
I think this is a great concept shot, kudos! I'm excited to see more!
thanks! I'm open to CC so if you spot something, please let me know!

Work in Progress/Tests / Icelandic Scene
« on: 2019-11-28, 16:49:04 »
Heyo artists,
this is a personal project that I am working on and off.
I wanna create a gloomy but impressive environment that will balance with the warm lit building (which at the moment is just a placeholder for composition purposes)
Terrain has been proceduraly generated, sculpted and created various masks in substance painter for the different shaders and scatters.

Gallery / Roof Party
« on: 2019-07-14, 13:17:58 »
Hey artists,
this is a shot from a commercial project that's been on hold.
I wanted to create a warm,inviting mood and an almost vintage coloring.
Hope you like it.

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