Author Topic: Physical Camera Size and UHD Cache  (Read 2125 times)

2023-08-17, 11:10:35


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Hey there,

i might have found a new bug ;)

First of, my specs:
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X,
64GB Ram,
win 10,
Cinema 2023.2.2
Corona 10 Timestamp: Jun 20 2023 12:40:33

So here's whats happening:
When i increase the size of the physical camera in the corona camera Tag (e.g. 0,5cm) and hit render with UHD-Cache on (no matter if still or animation setting) the render is stuck at calculating the cache, black vfb and 100% CPU usage. It's not freezing though, only when i cancel the render, cinema freezes and is only gonna quit via task manager. I let it run for about half an hour, no change. Image resolution doesn't matter.

I attached a simple scene for you to try. Just increase the camera's physical size and hit render.

Thank you all so much for your indefatigable efford, to make corona a great render engine ;)

Have a nice day,


2023-08-17, 11:24:48
Reply #1


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maybe i should add: Whe physical camera size is 0cm, everything works fine ;)

2023-08-17, 12:06:26
Reply #2


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Hi, updating to V10 hotfix 1 will resolve this. :)
Bengamin Jerrems:
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2023-08-17, 17:12:05
Reply #3


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Aaaaah....ok then our IT-guy didn't install the latest version, as i expected :D

Thanks for the heads up. then this thread can be closed.