Thanks for your effort guys but looks like c4d users will still be min 10 step behind from 3dsmax users :\
are you trying to actively demotivate our developers? Because you are doing good job at it :/. I see how hard they are working every day to beat the C4D APi, which was never designed to support additional renderers. I can only imagine how demotivating must such messages be :/.
I see many people complaining how are 3dsmax renderers better integrated, not just corona. They usually see some conspiration of developers behind it. The sad reality is that C4D API is just worse than 3dsmax API. Integrating any renderer in C4D is just harder, takes longer, and is more limited.
Hi Ondra Of course I am not trying to demotivate developers unlike we are((we: me and my company)) always ready for help as I said before here and also as I did before
Many times we sended emails for this reason maybe developers need more heavy and complex sceenes for testing here we have tthousands of complex scenees we said if you need we can send them also but nobody did not want us to do something... So if I am writing here like those kind of words is it because we are lositng our motivation to using Corona daily
if you can look our webside you will see that last 2 years we did many sucsessfull jobs with using Corona... I means we really want to use Corona in our all works in future also . After all that if you really believe I am trying to demotivate developers? and than maybe you can contact with me via by my email maybe I can find a way to change your mind :))
Before many times in this forum I said we realy love corona and we are still happy with it .But you must accept that especially last one year(after aplha5) developing "corona for C4D" was little slower than before. we not started to use this render engine one week ago :) so we can understand the differences between developing process. We sended a lot of time bug report area or here bugs about corona but those bugs are still with us and sometimes with some daily releases it is more worse then before.... Every morning our first job is looking daily page and refreshing it maybe there is a new version...After trying new versions I think it is very normal if we are sad about when we realise that those "bugs" still not fixed... Believe me last one year we(me and some of another CG artists aroound me) was feeling this sadness all the time. On the other hand, another thing that upsets us is that we learned that "vray" bought "corona" So a lot of CG artist around me here started to think that Corona will die in future . I can not say that I did not justify them, because if a program in the CG community buys another program, the purchased program has never been good for the future. It was always what happened in the past, please correct me if I think wrong.
So... After those kind of negative thoughts it is very normal to write here some of my negative words but I apologize if my words were very offensive to others.....
if you say "Olcay" please do not write anything here again. I can keep my mouth closed forever :). But please take note of what we have said above because we have been using this program for a long time and planing to use it as well So after this moment maybe Developers can decide to test Corona not only with themselves but also with our help.. And than maybe we can put here more and usefull releases...
For now this is all What I want to say
Thanks for your effort
Kind Regars