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Attachments - Christa Noel

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Filename Downloads Message Posted
Screenshot_1.png 1097 Re: CoronaCam Lister 2019-06-24, 05:09:27
Record_2019_06_21_08_58_44_485.mp4 622 Re: CoronaCam Lister 2019-06-21, 13:10:56
3dsmax_minidump.dmp 250 crash after merge render setting while IR running. 2019-05-28, 09:49:21
test - no denoiser - bump (coronaBitmap only) - 300 passes.png 414 weird bump with nvidia denoiser. 2019-05-24, 08:48:06
test - no denoiser - bump (max procedural).png 431 weird bump with nvidia denoiser. 2019-05-24, 08:48:06
test - nvidia AI - bump (coronaBitmap only) - 300 passes.png 423 weird bump with nvidia denoiser. 2019-05-24, 08:48:06
test - nvidia AI - bump (coronaBitmap w bumpConverter) - 300 passes.png 387 weird bump with nvidia denoiser. 2019-05-24, 08:48:06
test - nvidia AI - bump (maxBitmap only) - 300 passes.png 422 weird bump with nvidia denoiser. 2019-05-24, 08:48:06
test - nvidiaAI - bump (max procedural).png 431 weird bump with nvidia denoiser. 2019-05-24, 08:48:06
test - dof - direct visibility - coronabitmap screen - tile 0.9.png 383 Re: dof and background image 2019-05-17, 11:35:47
test - dof - direct visibility - coronabitmap screen.png 378 Re: dof and background image 2019-05-17, 10:52:12
test - dof - direct visibility - coronabitmap spherical.png 394 Re: dof and background image 2019-05-17, 10:52:12
Screenshot_3.png 353 Re: rendersetup shows incomplete part when rendering. 2019-05-16, 11:26:33
Record_2019_05_16_13_21_52_965.mp4 242 rendersetup shows incomplete part when rendering. 2019-05-16, 08:26:04
corona ColorCorrect saturation error - DailyBuild Apr 23 2019.mp4 243 Corona ColorCorrect saturation shows wrong color - DailyBuild Apr 23 2019 2019-04-24, 08:53:17
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