AgX in the form of luts from this thread is not the same AgX you have in Blender. There are three different versions of AgX - the one I uploaded is based on the original idea from Sobotka. it does not shift hues like the Blender 4 version. it is also made with BT709 primaries (what you would colloquially call srgb primaries) in mind.
agx matrix + punchy is, well, more punchy than agx matrix + kraken + default contrast. default contrast is called base look in original AgX ocio configuration. you can replace default contrast lut with your own curve or add colour grading lut on top of Kraken. punchy look if I remember correctly is just gamma adjustment - just a simple sample look, nothing to stick with. so this AgX basically will require your personal input in regards to final contrast.
it is possible than some other, preset based, display transform would be better suited for use in Corona: for example RED display transform consists of 16 combinations of 4 levels of contrast and 4 different highlight roll off strengths.
Khronos PBR Neutral Tone Mapper - I think they are trying to solve issues with colour reproduction for some quite specific cases. does any image in the video look natural to you? instead of rendering in wider gamut space and using some tried and tested colour science (from camera manufacturers for example) they are fiddling with display transform alone. BT709 colour space is too tiny to describe all real life colours - look at professional cameras: at least BT2020.
EDIT: ok, so this is indeed designed specifically for e-commerce. very different beast, very different needs. not for us.