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Topics - sk-films

Pages: [1]
Here's details:

Below is attached a screenshot of the Material setup - that works perfectly for CoronaMtl, but doesn't work in Corona Layered Material.

Basically key things which make it not workable:
Animated Substance -> Animated CoronaMix -> CoronaLayeredMaterial (as Mask)

It works perfectly if every frame is rendered separately (so manually changing frame and render) - please see Manually.jpg
But as soon rendered as Animation it give following (please see Automatic.jpg):

  • Updates just Substance, but not Corona Mix (Holding frame that was selected on timeline)
  • Not updating both (Holding frame that was selected on timeline)

Max file attached.

But!!! Same setup works perfectly with CoronaMtl!!! And works with Standard Blend!!!

[Max] General Discussion / Render Region - Object (Request)
« on: 2018-02-01, 21:17:29 »

It would be great to have an option added to Corona, right next to "Render Selected"  which would allow to render all visible objects (not only selected one), BUT use selected object as Region.
This would  make it as Animated 3D Region.

The benefits are following - Lets say a part needs to be re-rendered and new object is smaller than old one - so some extra area needs to be rendered around the object. So by making a transparent plane will define an area that needs to be rendered.


[Max] Feature Requests / Corona VFB during Animation
« on: 2017-03-07, 02:44:46 »

There's small problem with Corona VFB during animation rendering.
If it's ON in settings then it will be for the whole animation rendering time.
However if you switch it OFF in settings then previewing the render becomes pain - especially if it's a quick frames. Basically you click "show VFB" to see what's rendering but it switches off when it goes to next frame. So you end up hitting it to view the rendering.


To make the VFB acting the same as in scanline or others (during animation render). So opening it will keep it open for every next frame and visa-versa closing it will keep it closed.


Found a problem with Corona Proxy.

To recreate bug:

1) Create empty proxy
2) Load from file (Let's say small sized tree) - All works fine
3) In same proxy Load from file (Taller tree) -> Now the pivot might be in the middle of the tree

!!!Second tree pivot is correct if loaded in empty proxy (as step 2)

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Distance Texmap - Color Inside leak
« on: 2017-02-09, 20:14:13 »
Found this problem:

Distance Textmap leaks color when used with cubes (or other shapes that have 90 degree tops) as shown on first image.
The problem easy solvable by applying "Chamfer" to "Distance from object" (as shown on 2nd image). However this leads to thousands of extra polygons on complex geometry.

Would be great if that could be solved.

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